Trials & Tribulations

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Tom's Code - 10101
Elril, Sylleth, Pic, Belmash, Gwain, Azrael and The Minotaur stand in the market place in the aftermath of Fate's eclipse and speech in the Market Square of Myste-Hass.
The people of Myste-Hass watch as Sten hangs the Fate priests. The guards who have orchestrated this are wearing plate armour with no insignia or colours.
The group are beckoned into a hideaway.
A man, Stildes, wearing an apron was told to wait at this time and usher the group inside. He was told to do this by Fate himself.
The group universally agree that Fate is a god.
Gwain says he saw a picture of Fate in a book once which he left in a pub when he got drunk.
Stildes says there is a way out through the basement. He claims that this was foreseen, unless it was a true submersion which must be righted.
Someone tries the barred door. The group completely fail to hide, Gwain coughs. Belmash pretends he's old and looking for the key. The door starts to bang. The group head down a trap door.
Stildes stays, saying he will lie and cover. In the small basement there is another doorway. Through that door is a long corridor which gradually slopes down. At a crossroads, there is a very old man perched on a chair.
Gwain wakes him and it looks as though he'd had a heart attack. He knows Elril, but not by sight.
The man has been instructed to take Elril to Zenis for a very important mission. His name is Gan. Pic is forced to give him mouth to mouth three times.
The path heads into the sewer proper, moving along a narrow walkway. Gan leads the group through a labyrinth of turns to a ladder. There is a meeting room at the top of the ladder, where Zenis and several of the other leaders are.
Gan doesn't know what the test is, but it differs depending on your importance to Fate.
Gan knocks on the hatch three times, it's opened and a hand reaches down and picks Gan up.
The tiefling gentleman at the top with grey skin, orange eyes and white horns. The tiefing, Scot, is jolly. We're led up a set of steps into a wooden panelled room with a window. We're on the Western Docks side of the city.
The formal man who greets the group, asks if anyone there offers a threat to the cause. Elril is allowed companionship on the task. He must prove himself to the order.
For his trial, he must travel. There are two things they need. The first is a device that Elirl already knows about, but is required. The second is to seek out Keegan. He is a seer of sorts and must not be told the specific goal. Llarimarr will be sent to accompany Elril. If the group is successful, then a great wrong will be righted, and witnessed Elril's rise.
Zenis argues that Sten could have disrupted the rightful path. Llarimarr stands up, a brown tunic, blond hair, elven ears, tall and handsome. He appears a little jealous.
The task at hand is not without peril. But, with the new order, Fate can order Garr to grant the group eternal freedom if they support Elril.
The sun is setting by the time the group head into the streets.
Llarimarr knows where Keegan is. He is a spell caster of sorts. He can assist with long-distance travel. But, he may not be willing if he understands the reasoning. Keegan is a disgraced avatar, laying low. They don't know who Keegan is an avatar of, and he claims its different each time.
The device is a transportation device. It's a cube.
A boy was murdered a long time ago. It's our role to stop the assassins that killed this boy. We must go 253 years in the past, but the device can access that.
It was Keegan himself who sent the assassins who killed the child.
Llarimarr has a place for the group to rest, somewhere he secures. Pic goes upstairs and finds two dead bodies in the bed.
Belmach gives Elril a book from Xafiq's Lair with notes about Skaeon.
Inside the house, Gwain and Pic put on a spread of food.
As the group settles to rest, Elril inspects the device. It's a cube with different coloured surfaces.
Morning arrives, and the group plan. Llarimarr claims
The assassins were a group that approached Keegan a long time ago. One of them was a Prince of Anglan. There was a shepherd of Garr, some barbarians, some healers.
Elril sends Sylleth with Belmach and Pic to the Temple of Peridot to research the royal bloodline of Anglan, what befell of the country and the avatars.
Eggiock was the last king of Anglan, his bloodline believed eradicated, until his son emerged from a portal on the mainland not so long ago. All that follow him are doomed to die. Sylleth offers a trade, an interesting book in return for time in the library to research the lineage of Anglan. He refuses the deal, so they choose to accept question and answers instead on Sylleth's sudden interest in Anglan.
The man at the Temple of Peridot knows Sylleth got involved with the dark book. He asks if the wizard still has the book.
Pic claims he's interested in time travel which peaks the priests interest the most. He offers the Fishfoot Tales, his own personal anthem of family tales.
The man knows a story about Prince Thayne and killer following him through time.
Belmash talks quietly about his Soul Jar, but the priest overhears and agrees to exchange the item for the books. Belmash back pedals.
Pic just comes out and tells the priest the entire truth about the plot to go back and stop the assassin.
They bring the group a book on the Peacemaker General. The book mentions a Father Janir, a priest of Imogen, who was possessed by the avatar, and then there is another mention in another book about Father Janir killing a boy in Anglan over two-hundred years ago. Father Jinir then created a great weapon designed for killing gods.
Supposedly, Father Janir arrived at an inn and slaughtered a boy. Then fled into the night chased by the Anglan guards.
There is no real content on time travel.
Within a year of the incident in Anglan, the great pyramid in Kahzara was damaged and then Anglan was sucked from the world. Dalcimeer still wandered the wild lands, travelling from Nadarr. The people of Pillai hadn't yet built their wall.
They are allowed to borrow the book in return for lending the Book of Sadness to the priest.
Keegan plays the game of a simple seer. Fate intends to kill Keegan after the allotted task is completed.
Sylleth identifies the Soul Jar that Belmash owns.
Llarimarr leads the group through the town to a stone cottage with a thatched roof. A thick set man with short cropped hair and a grey beard emerges in long robes. He claims to see the future.
Elril speaks with Keegan. Elril asks what price would be needed to check if Pic's family tales are true.
The man looks in Pic's face and sees his future behind the group. Keegan claims he does not take people back in time, it was a mistake when it happened before. He thought he'd prevent a great calamity - all the lives that would be destroyed from the loss of Anglan and the construction of the White Gate and the horror of bringing it back. But, instead another calamity occurred.
Originally, Anglan messed with Genai Stones. Not in this reality though.
I should not have sent those individuals back. They killed the boy without stopping to ask questions. In the height of my powers, I was arrogant and there is nothing that can be done to fight arrogance. The people who I took back were forceful and strong. He refuses to say which god he was created from because he does not wish to stain their name with his own.
Keegan claims his current body is weaker than before, but he has killed enough and could not defeat his younger self.
Keegan can only hold the time gap for an hour. He has travelled back over and over again, watching.
If he had the power to do so, he would have the child live. He would have Anglan meddle with the Genai Stone themselves, and prevent the incident in Kahzara.
If he allows us to do this, he will hold the group accountable. He will use the remains of his power to destroy us if we act out of turn.
Leave the town, take the coastal path as far as it will go. There is a hut that overlooks the sea - do not go there. Go to the stone circle on the hill above. I will meet you there at nightfall.