The Curse of the Captain

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The Myste-Hass Calender

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Father Howell awakes late, gets new robes and cleans himself, then heads to the Temple of Imogen again.
Crassus heads to the establishment that used to be Caster's Pouch, and is now titled "Stonewall's". However, he is confronted with Thorum, who provides him with none of the components he requires. They do open the only remaining package in the empty shop though, spilling powdered incense everywhere.
The adventurers gather in the Temple of Imogen, and Father Howell finds Engaro submerged in one of the pools. He seems unaware that a night has passed, a stubble marks his chin, his legs wrinkled from extreme length in the baths.
Engaro talks about Verru, and the head priest shows distaste about the number of entities trying to raise themselves to godly status. He shows passion towards bringing down false gods. He claims to consult with Imogen, and the issue is a lack of knowledge on Verru.
Sylleth ritually investigates Percival's necklace. He gets a magical essence similar to long-range communication spells. It allows someone to speak and see over a long distance. It appears all one way, that the creator can look in on the wearer.
Engaro brings in Percival, chained to a bed. One of his hands has melded together. Engaro claims that he's keen to help Percival, but will peel the flesh from the entity trying to control him. He also claims that the shell on his body is repulsive, and the ugliness in him goes right to his very heart.
Percival admits to killing the individuals to the group, but claims it was because they worshipped Morthel and an avatar. He tells the story. Back at the Tower of Dariss, he was transported to Garr's realm whilst resurrecting Lorey.
Crassus notes that Percival had taken the necklace from a creature worshipping Verru, when they were trying to take back the city.
Whilst the adventurers debate, Sylleth hears the voice of Revios.
Under questioning, Percival admits that he was going to bring Verru the bodies of those killed. He explains he thought the necklace was a conduit for Dariss. He also shows his body becoming part shell.
Engaro fetches a metal box for Sylleth to store the necklace.
Howell offers Percival a position of acolyte of Imogen,
Scor Tomkin, one of the followers of Imogen, mentions Verru. He was on a sailing journey and had an encounter with the lobsters creatures. He was concerned he'd been infected, but Engaro cleansed him. The remove curse spells used by Engaro did not seem to have an effect on Percival.
Engaro finds himself exhausted, his spells used, even though it is morning.
The group discusses the issues about souls not going to Garr, and the fact that Heller was lying about souls travelling to the father of death.
Zelphar submerges himself in a pool and speaks with the entity which gives him power. The voice says that Verru is an empty vessel, at the whim of his master, tied to his own alter. The alter has been taken out of Zelphar's patron's realm. The gods are above, behind the Divine Gate, but when the gate opened, another gate opened.
Zelphar claims that Verru is just one of many, a number of gates opened.
Engaro returns Percival's items, minus a few key items - his diamonds included.

Sylleth also identifies the magical bowl that Crassus acquired from the Lighthouse.

Scor Tomkin has an abode just north of the docks. Father Howell asks a sailor who indicates that Scor is always sleeping with people. He points the group to The Cleft, a five story building with a fresh coat of paint and a green door. The Cleft is a whorehouse. The woman on the desk has an ill-fitting wig which a number of adventurers compliment.
Scor Tomkin has booked the full "service". They have girls and boys, and a tamed knoll. During a normal conversation of heroes, Hurricane talks about thieves organisations in thieves cant.
The lady offers a "Peeker's Perk" for 5gp, which allows the customer to look through one keyhole of thirty rooms they have. She calls Clara, one of the very-young girls wearing an extremely exposing outfit. Clara takes Cao off, to sniff out which room he'd like to peek into.
Nazzak asks about CiCi, but she has not been seen at The Cleft before.
Hurricane pays Clara 10gp to take him to Scor's room. She has watched him in the Arena. Hurricane opens the door to his Scor's room and finds him passed out, with a woman asleep in the bed. Cao throws water onto Scor. Scor is defensive when Cao tries to get him to come downstairs. He asks whether it is about money, or Goatie's wife.
Scor grabs for his sword, Hurricane levitates himself and draws his swords. He delivers an amazing oratory, failing a hit on Hurricane.
The guy was travelling towards Kyushu, they came across an island which appeared from nowhere about three days away from Myste-Hass, Camus and Agnirik went onto the land. On the next day, lobsters swarmed all over the deck. A number of the crew members had great abilities which helped fend off the lobsters. Kames, plated up to the nine, with a curled moustache and short-cut hair. He has a house in the posh end of town. Agnirik was quiet, but whispered in Kames's ear all the time. He had one milky-white eye, a scar across his face and white hair.
Nazzak, accompanied by Percival, heads down the stairs to the knolls room. Father Howell tries to follow alarmed by the idea that knoll is being misused, slightly delayed by the woman, but when he arrives it turns out that the knoll is actually The Beast.
The group moves onto the more expensive area of town. Nazzak speaks to people in the street, who eventually reveal where the captain lives. The house looks badly damaged.
Kames opens the door, he is wearing a chain leading to a heading necklace. He acts unusual straight away. He fobs the group off and tries to shut the door, but the group stops it. He moves deeper inside, and the adventurers follow to find Agnirik inside too.
The men note that the curse must be dealt with early, otherwise the victims are consumed by the desire to kill for Verru. Deep on the island, there is a shrine, a monolith, where the Aldani and other fish men came. Kames hacked down as many as possible, whilst running toward the boat. There were many of these creatures, but Agnirik actually saw Verru. It was a being that was once occupied by another entity. It was once an avatar. The avatar has been driven out, leaving what is left, filled with residual, left-over power. Kames has spoken with
Infernal gate, a sister gate to the one above. Agnirik had an interest in infernal matters, and got information from an infernal source. He is a magic user who was a victim to Morthel's reign. He is deeply concerned that Percival may already be corrupted. The soul goes first, the physicality last. He believes that once Verru has his hook into you, there is no release whilst he lives.
Since the incident with the gate, Verru has acquired a demonic benefactor - Gila. This is a demon of some power, bound to the sea. It is easier to speak the plain beyond since the incident with the gate. The fiendish entities also have more influence here now.
Kames claims he has a need to go back, he wants to see the issue dealt with. They are willing to make a deal if Crassus provides the ship and crew, they will provide the map. The other condition is that Percival must be chained at nighttime.
Agnirik states he must speak with his infernal benefactor, they are not demons, but they are bound by the rules of their own society.
Gila is a powerful demon. If we take out Verru, it will weaken Gila.
Sylleth sends a secret message to Agnirik, telling him to seek him out about the infernal gate.
The group seeks out Geoffrey for Father Howell. He is at the Militia Barracks briefing the militia about not provoking attacks, bringing in magical-storage devices, informing on devils, but not tieflings.
Father Howell tells Geoffrey everything, and the group set out alongside four militia guards to the Temple of Garr. Heller is asked to come to the barracks for formal questions, but he wants to be questioned at the temple.
Heller casts an area spell of negative energy on Geoffrey, affecting everyone. The circle of death kills all the militia guards and knocks Zelphar unconscious. He points at Hurricane, casting blight. He raises the dead militia guards as zombies creatures.
Heller is killed and whispers a prayer to Ankelus as he passes on. His body is laid on the alter, as Geoffrey expresses his urgent need to get a priest of Garr immediately.
Nazzak prepares the body for the correct burial rights. Geoffrey then returns with ten militia guards.