The Plan

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Youtube Recording

All the adventurers return to the Tower of Dariss to discuss the ultimate goal - taking back the city of Myste-Hass. Harbinger warns the group about Genai Stones and the thrones used by The Twelve Avatars.
Olive informs the group about the women in the water in the basement of the Tower of Dariss. The women has a massive blue Genai Stone. They also mention a huge plinth with a burnt man silhouetted on the stone. Olive saw a vision of men in red robes.
Til informs us that Ardanath Cross has been cursed by Mother to always seek Susnos.
More than two-hundred guards between the north gate and main gate. Hobgoblins, goliaths wearing collars, well armoured grey skin and sunken faces.
Corym returns the cracked green Genai Stone into the alter at the Tower of Dariss. Dagur places his hand on the alter in an attempt to pray. He claims that Dariss spoke to him, but is being pulled away.
Rasvyn detects the presence of a scrying orb, so the group reconvene outside the tower, inside Corym's magical Temple of the Gods. Bern joins the group. Altibo comes into the tower, but he does not feel well.
Father Howell messages Geoffrey -
"Brother, where are they keeping and draining the magical prisoners? Do you know of any magic users captured. Are you safe? Blessings of Imogen."
"Lesley, are you okay? I'm so very worried for you. Are you eating enough? What was the question?"
"I'm fine, well fed. where are they keeping and draining the magical prisoners? Do you know of any magic users captured. Imogen Keep you."
"That warms my heart. Yes I do know. I've managed to get myself in supplying food to the prisoners Cages. Their in the arena."
Dramos scrys on Ravaran using the Crystal Ball. He sees Ravaran with Foshiana, the female divination mage, who was in his bed. He is living in Sten's House, and makes his way to The Halls, meeting with the Law Master, Boro. They're waiting for messengers from the north, who are informing on us. They go into a basement room where another Boro is being tortured.
Hootie, Kira and Gremlin set out in search of a messenger. They see a Helvettian rider, and inform the group. Dramos, Gartok, Ulborin, Olive and Harbinger set off with Altibo and capture the rider. Dramos interrogates the man. His name is Roland and he request the right to be interrogated by one of his own.
Harbinger casts zone of truth on the man and they learn he is not a a Helvettian but a spy, informing on the recent attack. He's been in Tower of Dariss for months, delivering a dozen messages. He hands them to a rider outside of the town. Information has been passed on the lizardfolk, scouting of the farms, plans to attack the forts, names of other magic users. There are other spies in the tower. They took a lot of the magic users to the south-eastern part of town. They want three individuals - Bern, Dramos, Rasvyn, and Maolmhuire. They want all spell casters, but you'd be free to go.
Olive removes the ring and the face of the man turns to Toni. Harbinger kills him.
Reinhold cast commune and learnt that the dragon hates his captors, Morthel is in the city and most of the magic captors are in the Arena.
Corym takes a trip down into the basement of the Tower of Dariss. There seems to be more Genai Stones than before. After taking a fair amount of injuries, Corym finally removes a small Genai Stone from the walls. He carries it to the alter and the gem dims a little. He wraps it carefully and stores it in a small bag.


Operation Pincer

Crassus Crabman, Captain Percival Wainwright, Gunthar, Dagur, Til, Jack, Kahlil and a skeleton crew of Helvettians.
Crassus and Captain Percival Wainwright lay claim to a ship each. The rest are going to write contracts.
Around midnight, head along the coast via row boat or foot, approaching on the eastern side. Commandeer two ships, set fire to the rest in the Southern Docks to start a distraction. Then, move to the Western Docks and get as many civilians as possible on the ships to save them.

This group has a Harbingers Sending Stone.

Operation Marshmallow

Ulborin, Datura, Olive?, Bron, Duke?, Fred and Evandrielle?
Bern is going to take this group to Anglan, rest for an hour and then teleport them into the Temple of the People. They will talk to the dragon and attempt to remove the collar and turn the dragon against its captors.

This group has a Coryms Sending Stone.

Operation B Team

Father Howell, Sylleth, Nazzak, Jerek, Berticus, Mrs Stonewall
Enter through the Myste-Hass Catacombs, or sewers, and head for The Arena. Save the prisoners and then guide them through the Myste-Hass Catacombs towards the Western Docks.
Mrs Stonewall wants 1000gp for her efforts, half now and half after. If she dies, the rest of the money will be sent to her husband on the mainland.

Operation Murder Squad

Reinhold, Harbinger, Gartok, Dramos, Corym, Rasvyn and Maolmhuire.
This group is going to enter the sewers, using seeming and then head for Ravaran.