Readius Lentulis Boro

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Lawmaster Boro.JPG
Boro is typically seen wearing the traditional robes of Helvettian nobles, a white toga with a red trim. He has a small frame for a Helvettian and a quiet voice.
Boro was appointed Law Master of the city of Myste-Hass, after the Hall Master, Sten, disposed of Law Master Lloric for corruption. It is believed that Boro came to Myste-Hass with the Helvettian legions which have helped defend the city.
Boro and Sten don't always get on, for Boro seemed reluctant to see people put to death for their crimes as easily as the Hall Master. However, Boro has shown an unhealthy interest in magical items, notably Genai Stones. He also claims to be a Peridot worshipper.
Boro was last seen by Maolmhuire during the Sack of Myste-Hass. Maolmhuire was in the Temple of the People and Boro claimed to have distracted the ancient red dragon, allowing Maolmhuire to escape.