
From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender



In the ashes of the fight with Morthel, Corym decapitates Morthel, wraps the stones around his head with a rag, then throws the head and body into his magical bag.
The Adventurer’s Guild has been flattened but The Halls are intact. Many of the businesses are damaged by fires from now or in the past.
Gartok stalks off as a bear, arriving at the docks. The Southern Docks are in disarray, there is lots of traffic with boats almost colliding on their escape from the docks. Many of the people on the docks are trying to put out fire, some moving charred bodies with chains on their hands and feet from the lower decks of the boats.
Gartok hears two people. They've been sent to speak with the barbarian. Both are wearing tattered clothing, though yellowish cloth is visible beneath the worst of the damage. The two individuals claim to have been sent by Benadictor. One of the individuals heals Gartok, then they lead him through the streets towards Catcher's Way.
They arrive at a warehouse where there is commotion outside. Four people are stood trying to fend off a crowd who are vying to burn the warehouse. Gartok tries to intercede. The lead man, Kulan heads inside the warehouse. Inside, are row upon row of goliaths. They are all stood motionless, blank faced with Control Collars around their necks. They just stopped fighting and gathered here after the attack on the town ended.
Kulan admits that he lied about Benadictor. He knew that Gartok had a soft spot for priestess and it would cool his anger. Malu, the female, seems very unusual with her morals and her belief in the gods. They talk oddly about Garr and other gods. They seem to debate against each other, exact opposites.
The rest of the group head into The Halls. The Halls are deserted, rubbish strewn across the building. Just the right eye remains of the King Myloch mosaic. The window in Sten's office is broken, much of the paperwork singed on the floor.
Many of the hobgoblins have fled the city and a number have left on ships.
A person picks their way through The Halls as Corym, Dramos and Harbinger finish a short rest. Dramos approaches the man, who then begins confessing all his fairly minor sins. He is afraid that Dramos is a devil to take him to hell. The fearful individual, Geddis, says he is trying to help the city. He informs the group about Gartok and the warehouse full of goliaths.
The group sets off towards the warehouse. There is a group putting bodies on a cart, one called Sarrow, and the group instructs them to move the bodies to the Stone Warehouse until the Temple of Garr can deal with the undead. Diamon is the other individuals. They have labelled there victims with orange tags on the toes.
Ulborin awakes, jostled and hurt, in a large dark room. He has been stripped and is atop a mound of corpses. There are two people hanging up the bodies on the support columns in this large room. They offer to aid him with magic, water and then cast inflict wounds on Ulborin. Ulborin dodges and dashes away, sprinting for the door, but its barred with a large bar. Sarrow casts another spell, trying to hold the rogue. Ulborin lifts off the locking bar and runs into the street, towards The Arena.
Back at the warehouse, Dramos and Harbinger plead to the crowd. Corym gives Geddis some money to distribute with the homeless. Dramos messages the man, warning him that he's watching him.
Ulborin says that they released the dragon and then he destroyed the Temple of the People. And, he also explains that two men in the Stone Warehouse attacked him.
Gartok stays with the goliaths, the others return to the Stone Warehouse and find it empty. Dramos scrys with the Crystal Ball, but he cannot locate Sarrow. Dramos scrys again, this time on the cart. He sees it empty, in a dark room. The horses are there, but Dramos can't discern anything else about the storage facility.
Two hours later, the group have been through virtually every single warehouse. Dramos opens a warehouse door and finds the cart. The place is empty. There are bodies in here, but less than were originally saw on the cart. Corym casts a small blood splatter outside the door, still wet.
Malu and Kulan said they were hiding out in the sewers during the occupation, healing where they can. Malu speaks often of Garr, and the justice needed for goliath. They have no wish to talk or be interrogated about their motives after being in the city. The only thing they agree on is that they cannot decide the fate of the goliaths.
Ravaran appears. He says he has a proposition. He wants to draw a line. He pulls a golden rod from his coat and goes to press a button. The adventurers begin to run, Dramos grabs Harbinger's hand and thunder step's away. Ravaran presses the button and all of the goliath filled warehouses explode in a huge force of fire. Three buildings in total exploded. Ulborin runs alongside the warehouse and planks from the walls skewer him, killing the rogue outright.
Kulan's body has been thrown across the street. Dramos searches Kulan. Pulling back his clothing, Dramos finds a small stuffed figurine with string wrapped around it, some strange meat, an apple, a paper wrap with a grainy substance, a piece of bark, a brass hairbrush and a clay necklace with a distorted star. He has a dolphin or leaping fish tattooed on his hip. The hair on the hairbrush do not match his head.
Harbinger and Corym aid a number of civilians who got injured by the explosion. A bunch of previous militia guards run in to aid. The militia says they've seen hulking grey-skinned creature, greenskins, hobgoblin and sallow-faced dead. All seem to be fleeing. The lead militia man, Brey, guides the townspeople out into the Market Place and The Halls.
Heading to The Temple of the People, another group of people are encountered. They explain how the red dragon breathed fire on the Elven Quarter as leaving Myste-Hass.
Corym runs on to the main gates to the Elven Quarter. The gates are shut but there are not guards on the wall or patrolling the entrance. Corym climbs up and sees that a ring of the quarter has been strafed by dragon fire, the wooden buildings and trees ablaze. The Pure Palace is unharmed.
Beyond the North Gate, everything has been ruined. The soil itself has been scorched. The Helvettian Garrison has been completely destroyed. All the buildings have been destroyed. There are corpses everywhere. The main gate to the city are wide open. The dragon must have strafed this stretch over and over again.
The Temple of the People has been utterly destroyed, from the ground up. There is a crater where the catacombs once would have been, the vault cleaned out.
Harbinger finds the sack which contained the head of the Harbinger of Fate. Sten's voice comes from the entrance, he is collared with a golden Control Collar and weaponless. He was not working for Morthel prior to the collar being removed. He asks the group to end him for what he's done.
Fresh cart tracks have come into the city, potentially Sarrow and Diamon.
Corym casts death ward. Dramos removes the collar with a mage hand, and Sten is thrown into fire.
Dramos scrys the Tower of Dariss. He sees people all around the rock that forms the tower, but only a single story of the tower remain. Stone is cast all over the area. There are lots of injured people outside the tower. Dramos since the Operation Pincer group returning, with a large number of handless individuals.
Dramos scrys for Lorey...