A Hunting We Will Go

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Evandrielle is wandering through the Myste-Hass streets late at night. She recognises Sylleth moving around at night. He's been casting locate object, looking for the book.
He suddenly gets a message from Father Howell - "Sylleth, its Howell. You are in danger. Find somewhere safe to hide from magic. Find a lead-covered room. A demon is coming."
Sylleth responds - "What in the hell's have you done. Fine. Come fine me."
Evandrielle and Sylleth meet up, then two militia guards speak with them, warning them that this particular area of town is rough.
They move back to Sylleth's residence. Sylleth then casts private sanctum inside his home.
On the ship, the raft is heading south as fast as it can. Sensing the urgency, they pull together. They arrive about three hours later, running into town. Nazzak takes off into the empty streets. He sees a body flat out on the floor. His arm has been removed and there is necrotic damage all over the body and the wall behind.
Crassus has a word with Gleeson asking him to inform the watch of where Kishaan is.
Onwards, there is another individual who is missing his head. Again, he's been killed with severe necrotic damage.
Sylleth feels the private sanctum spell drop on his home.
Evandrielle puts on a magic ring, attempting to go invisible.
A long finger slides through the door grabbing hold of the bar, slender black fingers. The rear part of the house is on fire. He breaks in and grabs Sylleth
Cao sees a completely lightless shadow of a creature, with pin prick eyes of blue light. Another descends from a nearby alley.
Militia guards burst from a nearby alley with buckets to intercede.
Malek says, "Your soul has absorbed my power when you took it from that book. I will have it back." He knocks Sylleth unconscious, then carries him away.
A silent stalker arrives. It is annihilated by the demon.
Father Howell tries to escape from a Nabassu and is knocked unconscious. Two silent stalkers arrive again.
The chaos that follows involves people collapsing, then being healed, then collapsing again.
Engaro arrives providing a huge amount of healing, turning the fight slightly.
But, after just one attack, Malek has Sylleth in his grasp again. He teleports away, carrying the spellcaster and biting into him until he sucks the final bit of life from Sylleth. He then teleports away.
Kishaan casts revivify through Pepe.
Sylleth is being pulled towards Ankhelos' tower, but he can here Kira behind him. He awakes feeling cold and empty.
Father Howell and Engaro examine Sylleth and discover he's dead, but awake.
Cao follows one of the shadow demons into a building, killing an old lady - Clarissa. There are many pieces of art which feature wheat fields in her home.
Nazzak wants to take the dead body to the Temple of Garr. Cao feeds the dead woman's cat, Tartan.
Engaro insists that Sylleth spends the night at the Temple of Imogen. He thinks it best that Sylleth is not known to any priests of Garr.
On the way to the temple, militia man Corey Wilmot and another ask if they can take Kishaan into for question in regards to an incident related to a murder in Crassus' property.
Nazzak and Evandrielle convinces Corey, with the aid of spells and manacles, that they will take Kishaan back to them as soon as they have finished talking with him.


The group head to the Temple of Imogen as the sun sets.
Militia guards and the heavily armoured Helvettians are marching along the streets given the release of the demons.
Engaro addresses a blond woman who is scantly clad, then she makes her way off.
A heated discussion occurs between Father Howell, Crassus and Engaro about Kishaan's guilt or innocence. Father Howell says that if Kishaan turns himself into the law in the morning with the priest, he'll vouch for him and cast zone of truth to ensure the militia treat him fairly.
Father Howell confesses everything about the situation with the book to Sylleth.
Suddenly a commotion in the street catches the attention of the crab man. He runs out into the street to fight a dark-skinned demon that is consuming the spirit of a man.
Evandrielle removes the manacles of Kishaan.
Crassus turns into a crab to fight the creature, words piercing his mind, but he can't understand the words.
During the combat, Father Howell and Nazzak sees a scrawny, ancient man pressed against the mirror at the side of the temple, a large blackened hand pressing him into the opposite side of the mirror. The man crumples to the ground, leaving a blood smear on the mirror.
Sylleth hears the nabassu creatures moaning hunger in his mind.
Nazzak destroys the mirror.
Cao kills the creature.
Engaro looks seriously disturbed that both mirrors have had a creature inside them. He says he wants to check the temple, but insists he should do it alone. He finds nothing.
The party rests in the Temple of Imogen.
Sylleth struggles to rest. He feels wind on his face, the ground is far beneath him. The demon has taken his soul. He speaks with Engaro on the topic. He tells him that there are not many avatars anymore, because their faces have been taken.
Engaro suggests that Kira may be brought back through true resurrection, because she was lost long before Ankhelos. However, Garr will not like it and their is risk in reaching into his realm. But, he is currently weak, so now may be a good time. Then again, if he is competently destroyed it may include everything that was once his.
Father Howell finishes some very nice pickled onion pork pies, Cao feeds the cat some milk, then [[Nazzak prays at the alter.
Crassus sneaks out into the street, heading to the Temple of Alaie. Cao follows. Bedanore halts Crassus as he goes to pray.
On the way back to the Temple of Imogen, Cao spots a body hanging from a nearby tree.
Evandrielle sneaks out, finding Geoffrey Howell giving a speech to the militia about protecting the townsfolk. She tells an individual that she is Crassus, disguised as the captain, claiming that she wants to retract his statement about Kishaan. She returns via Offensive Defence, seeing it all boarded up.
The group head towards the Temple of Garr with the bodies. Four militia guards and two Helvettians stop the party, telling them to get inside and stay clear of the skies. [[Father Howell] explains the situation and they move on.
There are two priests in conversation in the Temple of Garr. The woman comes over. She talks of the hours of Garr waning and it being a time of uncertainty. She insists that all the bodies are placed on the alter. The man begins blessing them.
The lady talks about Sardonyx, repeating 'I wish' three times. She says that all bodies should be brought as swiftly as possible. Her head priest is away, trying to fix the issue, the house fallen on calamity.
The rights will happen tonight. It will be busy tonight the man says. He tries to influence Nazzak quite strongly. He asks Nazzak to embrace death. They talk about embracing Garr, it being final.
The woman says 'may the blessing of Sardonyx be upon you whilst you are out of this building'.
Sylleth asks about getting souls from Garr. The woman, Kidea, says that the head priest is very progressive and believes souls can be retrieved, but the purists dislike such views. To get a soul back, you must gather his favour. His strength is weaning though, but you can come and speak with him tonight when the moon is highest and he'll hear you. All the gods are weakened. They are threatened.
Kishaan asks what the man's views on the angel's of Garr. He says they are evil. So Kishaan gifts him one of the arms of the Silent Stalkers. The man says it is a short trip from here to there, no guide is needed, not even reapers.
The man, Mehklan, then questions Kishaan. He says Garr needs no symbols, he is inevitable. He insists that if Kishaan ever feels unwell, he should come to the man for a checkup. Garr must take you, but not to soon, at exactly the right time.
They deliver the cat, Tartan, to Cao's training arena.
The group then move towards the Militia Barraks, but on the way Sylleth becomes more aware of a proximity to a demon nearby. It gets closer as the sun rises higher.
He hears - "[[Emissary, I admire you. You refuse to die. But, you are hollow without me. I will grant you advancement. Pass on my message. I will not be banished. I will not be sent from this place. It is mine. those that take the knee before me will be rewarded. The others are cattle. He who would imprison me, I have taken. You who fed from have been dominated. When I return - the knee. Carry out my orders, emissary."
"Precisely who should I deliver this message to. Who should I say is calling?"
"All. All who are in the town. They are mine. It is mine. I am lord Malek your God."
When the group approaches the militia building, there is a ring of soldiers around the Halls and the Militia Baracks.
Geoffrey approaches. He claims that someone reported he had dropped all his charges.
Father Howell admits that they were the ones responsible for the creatures, because they destroyed a book that released a demon.
Geoffrey is furious. He gets angry at Father Howell, forcing Nazzak to take off his tabard when he tries to defend Father Howell. He is furious. But, suddenly the bells start ringing on the walls. Geoffrey says that this will be dealt with, when this is dealt with.
The group run to the wall, along with a load of militia. Geoffrey is commanding the archers, but they are panicked and Cao, Evandrielle and Nazzak try to wrangle the archers.
Malek is coming.
Kishaan hexes him for charisma. Father Howell casts a banishment, which he must use his legendary resistance for. Sylleth uses a banishment which he fails, and must use another legendary resistance.
Malek smashes into the wall, right where Geoffrey is holding.