Temple of Alaie

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Alaie Stone.jpg

The Temple

The stone outer of the Temple of Alaie is one of the original buildings in Myste-Hass. Inside, the stone areas make up the sleeping quarters, private studies, workspaces, storage and walkways that surround a central courtyard. It's this courtyard that forms the primary focus for the temple. Open to the sky and heavily overgrown with all kinds of beautiful plant life, there is a shrine in the center of the garden where worshipers of Alaie come to show their devotion and offer prayer.


When adventurers first arrived in Myste-Hass, the head priestess of the temple was a woman by the name of Benadictor. She lent aid to the adventurers and the town on many occasions, notably when the vampire was terrorising the streets. However, some were aware of the tightly guarded secret that Benadictor was in fact fey. And, when a group of adventurers visited the Halls of Resurrection, Dramos saw a vision of an event there from another age. He saw Benadictor as youthful as ever. She was speaking with someone who said - "Now tell me Benadictor, tell me everything is prepared. Those that remain to fight must be ready. The lord will arrive soon. You there, this is your last meal. For nature you serve a bigger purpose now. Come let us align the door."
Benadictor was at the Helvettian Garrison in the Northern Pass when the Sack of Myste-Hass took place. This appears to be the last time anyone saw her.


Since Myste-Hass has been freed, a very-soft spoken priest by the name of Bedenor has come to take the mantle of head of the church of Alaie. He speaks very slowly, and gives long oratory on all the aspects important to the worship of Alaie. He is most fastidious about ensuring worshipers provide proper contribution in order to maintain the upkeep of the temple.