
From Into the Wilds Wiki
At sea, to the south of Myste-Hass, during the final phase of Operation Pincer, the crew of the Dead Man's Raft encounter a pod of Aldani.
The Aldani crawl over the side of the ship, assaulting its crew, and screaming about a sacrifice to "Verru" to appease their suffering. An amulet is found on one that has a faint magical aura, giving it some form of connection to some unknown entity.

The Myste-Hass Calender


Alfred joins Father Howell looking into the open crate, lined like a coffin within.
Alfred inspects the heap of dead bodies nearby, it is withered and wrinkled, but breathing. A huge chunk of flesh has been torn from the man's neck. Father Howell sends Bear to get help. A man bursts from the pile of bodies, he had hidden in the bodies as the vampire killed the rest of the crew. Father Howell investigates the man thoroughly and finds no bites or scratches.
Bear emerges and delivers the message that there is a box without a vampire in it, but there may be many vampires.
Crassus calls the crew to action, to sweep the Dead Man's Raft for intruders.
The survivor said they picked up cargo from Brindle, and the vampire burst from the coffin. He was over 6ft tall, bald, with pallid white skin. He looked like an orc.
The man suddenly turns around, serious and powerful. He says his name is Nash and wants to make a deal, that no lives will be taken on our crew. He just wants to live. He says that what he's told us is true. The creature that came out of the box was terrifying and he doesn't know where it is.
He was fed on, then he healed and awoke. He's been on the ship for a while, waiting for someone to come by.
The vampire tries to control Father Howell's mind, but the cleric resists and screams for help. He reaches out trying to hold the vampire and fails. The other adventurers run to assist, but they are quite a distance away. Alfred deploys Igor, his iron defender.
The vampire jumps onto Father Howell draining him, and speaks directly to Elril, telling him that he expected better from him. He should know what side he is on.
Crassus leaps from the Dead Man's Raft onto The White Orc.
The vampire turns to ash in the rays of light from the broken deck above and Crassus's moonbeam.
Elril tries to neutralise any infectious part of the vampire bite on Father Howell.
The group does their final checks of the ship. Elril searches for a crate that is big enough for the large white spider to have been in. Alfred inspects the alter and the captain's quarter, finding a log book stating that there is a shipment of soil to be delivered to a certain R Cain, with further deliveries to come. It was signed for by the name Garrick.
Father Howell says some words over the dead, then most of the group make their way back to the Dead Man's Raft.
The White Orc is burned, whilst the raft heads on towards Myste-Hass as the sun sets.
During the voyage, Elril chats to Mutina, talking about gods and skirting around the topic of destiny vs choice.
The ship moves into the Southern Docks. Crassus writes a list of supplies he wants Pelis to procure - sail cloth, rope, a months worth of supplies and other essentials. Crassus looks for ballistae and rowing boats. There is a ship left over from Morthel's occupation called the Sea Tiger which is being stripped. Mert Slater is in charge of the operation. Mert is a beaded man with voluminous hair, wearing a long coat. He is looking for a greater work force for retrieval of special goods. It appears he deals with the salvage of ships that have been sunk.
He has three ballistae and two row boats, one damaged. The ballistae are 500gp a piece. The row boats are 100gp. The man is a tradesman in a number of goods, and he seems very interested in the diamonds Crassus is interested in. Crassus also procures a bunch of bolts for the balistae.
Sylleth wanders the town, casting locate object and searching for his book.
Alfred and Father Howell make their way to The Halls. Alfred speaks to a frazzled receptionist asking about a census. It is an issue that has been raised by the Council of Myste-Hass. Goraz is speaking to Sten, they are arguing. In conversation with Goraz, Alfred is told that Goraz is not welcome in the Southern Docks. The tiefling takes Alfred into his office for a drink, and discusses what happened on The White Orc with the vampire. They speak about what happened to Father Howell, who Goraz says is a notable individual who very much has the eye of the Council of Myste-Hass.
Alfred asks about Garrick, looking for further details on this individual. They discuss R. Cain. Goraz says he is going to take on the issues, bring it before the council and put his best people on the case of this Garrick. He says he will let Alred know if there are any further findings.
Goraz also says that he will send someone to check on Father Howell, given the vampire attack. He then, very weirdly, tells Alfred to be careful before he leaves.
Father Howell finds Geoffrey and they have a terse conversation about the dangers which Father Howell has been putting himself through and the idea that Howell may have been protecting acquaintances, Cpt Percival Wainwright from the justice that must be provided by the court.
Elril goes to the secret worship spot to Fate. He speaks with Tane about Mutina, and has to stop the man from taking action himself. Elril says he wants to embrace the urge himself. He asks to undertake the ritual that confirms him to his path, marking his body.
Crassus returns to his quarters to find a massive sahuagin over the elemental bowl. He attacks with spells and changes into a crab. He shouts - "you have betrayed Verru, then tries to steal the elemental bowl. He throws the bowl from the window, then pauses to say "Verru will come for you." He leaps into the ocean. Crassus leaps in after him. He summons a tidal wave behind the bowl, throwing the bowl towards himself.
Toni and other crew members are firing arrows into the water, before Glesson shouts to hold because their captain is in the water. He grabs the bowl and then swims manically to the boat, covered by arrow fire from the crew. Crassus makes it back on board.
Alfred and Father Howell speak with Engaro at the Temple of Imogen. He casts some spells to ensure the cleric is blessed.