B Team - Defend the Walls

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Haven Coleset looks out of the window, looking over cloudy Myste-Hass. He eats his breakfast with his wife and children, before they head to the docks to play. He puts on his militia uniform and sets out to work.
He hears a bell ringing.
Elsewhere, Ankhelos unleashes hail after hail of necrotic damage into his foes. Silent Stalkers fall upon them. They are fighting hard, but it is not enough.
Back in Myste-Hass, militia guards and Geoffrey are thrown from the wall as Malek smashes into the battlements. The demon floats just a few feet above the ground.
Malek bangs his staff on the ground, and a Nabassu emerges. He bangs it again, and two gaunt, red-fisted demons appear in the town.
Kishaan prays to Sardonyx, Ankhelos and Fate during the combat.
Malek moves around the battlefield, stabbing them whilst they are down.
Evandrielle becomes a giant eagle, then flies around delivering Geoffrey to the combat. Every time he gets near though, Malek seems to move away to focus on others.
Sylleth becomes dominated by Malek - he feels the strongest urge to assist Malek.
Geoffrey whispers Guilt when he draws his sword.