B Team - Let's Get Down to Business

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Nazzak arrives at the Temple of Imogen, followed by Gwain, Crassus, Cao, Evandrielle and Sylleth.
Father Howell begins his speech on protecting the town, then Sylleth takes him aside to explain the deaths of Goeffrey, Engaro and Yanif. He informs him about all the Fate worshippers involved and how Fate referred to Geoffrey as the betrayer.
Meanwhile, the group decide to go and get Geoffrey as an example. Gwain says the Geoffrey is dead. Sylleth is forced to admit that Yanif and Engaro were also slain.
Gwain claims that the sight he shared with Elril and Sylleth was terrifying. He did not like seeing Fate.
Gwain bows before Father Howell and owes his allegiance to the father and Imogen. Then, Crassus makes him renounce Fate.
Grey-robed figure with light blondish hair, Hadrial, appears in the corner of the temple. He makes him repeat the renouncing to the gods. This individual is angry that souls are sacred, but Fate absorbed them.
Gwain explains that the entity that Fate absorbed was called Keegan.
Crassus heads to the Council of Myste-Hass, receiving an audience with Borro and Goraz. He informs them about the deaths.
They claim that Helvettian reinforcements were due on two ships, but the boats were set upon be two ships, the Carcass and the Hyena. One of their spellcasters, Mercal managed to teleport off the ship and was the only one.
Goraz talks about extracting information from prisoners.
Evandrielle buys a cart.
Crassus goes to the Temple of Alaie, and finds two men assaulting the priest, Bedinore. One of them is a priest. Crassus runs to intercede, then opens a portal. He gets banished to a grey landscape with sand beneath his feet. The sky is dark, thing moving around in the distance.
Crassus sends his prayers out to Alaie. He hears Fate's voice. "Priest. Follower. As you ahve extended your will, I will allow you to watch."
Crassus watches as a hand reaches forth and withers Bedinore into a corpse.
"This gift I give to you freely in exchange for your prayers," says Fate.
Two wreath-covered individuals come in and find Crassus with the body. They call for the authorities
Crassus tries to heal Bedinore, but he heals Fate again - "No, you will fall into line."
By the time the other adventurers arrive at the Temple of Alaie with the cart, there is a large crowd outside. An armoured figure, Domos, is questioning Crassus. Domos is not a Helvettian, his service is paid for separately. They are a mercenary company called the Black Heart out of Brindle.
Cao addresses the crowd, shouting that 'enemies of this town are on all sides, but we shall be strong. We have withstood worse than this, for everyone of you is stout of heart.'
Word is heard on the way out of town, the head priest of Peridot has been slain. The stories are varied - a demon, assassins, all unreliable.
The group heads along the coastal path, towards Bern's Hut.
On route, Gwain tells [[Father Howell] about the safe house he hid in with the other Fate worshippers.
A brightly coloured moth, red body, yellow wings sits on the right hand of the cart as the story is relayed before it flies off.
Arriving at the Stone Circle, there is the ruins of a battle. Father Howell and the others work carefully to gather up the bodies slowly and respectfully.
A few people clock a grey skinned creature with wings, which turns into a spider when Crassus tries to entangle it. The spider then disappears from view.
Nazzak's sword becomes a stick when he attempts to attack.
Sylleth messages the creature, but the response is in infernal. Then another comes through, in a heavily accented voice - 'Okay, I'm gone. I'm not here anymore.'
Cao feels warm air come from above, then grubs drop from a portal above.
The creature pretends to be dying. He offers a wish in return for his life.
Father Howell clears the maggots from Nazzak's body, then heals him.
He goes to say Foose, but he then says his name is Gross.
There are many layers of the void and hell. The creature Fowse has spent a long time riding on the back of worms, which have then been consumed, him including. He was promised a great body by his dead master, who will be resurrected in a thousand years.
There were some people in the bushes, then Fowse ate a badger - it tasted horrific. He always tries things 2-3 times though to determine whether he hates him.
The stone circle is weak. Fowse saw an elf, watching the group who were waiting in ambush. Then a bunch of people appeared in the circle. The people looked worried. Raw power drifted of the creature.
The elf disappears, but Fowse could smell it on Fate.
Fowse is waiting for the witch, she will come back this way. He wanted to befriend her for her great power.
Fowse doesn't mess around with dead bodies, not since his master, Ankhelos, has died.
Sylleth banishes Fowse. A conflict emerges between Gwain and Nazzak, because Gwain breaks the creatures legs before it's banished.
The group passes by Bern's hut on their way. Cao looks inside, finding her missing.They move on, going to Nazzak's hut.
Nazzak prays to Ca, trying to call in. Ca tells Nazzak to keep it down because there are people (or gods as he corrects) all around him. Father Howell asks Nazzak to tell him if ever he feels a cold draft or an odd shift in Ca's voice.
Cao asks for detailed descriptions of where the Fate hideout was.
Gwain names everyone on the group who worked with Elril.