Warehouse 49 - Deals & Barriers

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Netari wakes from a fitful sleep, when Castiel, Lazarus and Harmony wake early after a restless night dreaming about the trauma of their previous incarceration.
Dustin couldn't sleep either. The boy said he was dreaming about three-headed cats, two-headed dogs, and big black dragons.
Castiel says that he owes about 2,000gp to Lahoto which he needs to get to him before the end of the month.
Castiel opens the door, Netari arriving as the first patron.
Netari claims to be the vice president of the Pashari Trading Company.
She does some hawk training with Destin, Netari's hawk being called Feyanor. The bird is very well behaved for the boy but not for Netari.
Meanwhile, Harmony tries to wake Dr Baum. The room smells musty, but there is no sign of Dr Baum or his things.
The last investment Netari made was a flock of hawks, who did not breed or couldn't be used for meat.
The group leave Lazarus behind the bar, then sets of to Tim's Tea Emporium to deliver Dustin back to his further.
They pass the market traders setting up, dock hands returning and milita.
The group meet with Grasino whilst walking through the town. He says that he loved the roses that grew in the shade of the mountains, before they were ruined by the orcs and the goblins. He says that he'll be around that evening.
At the tea shop, Harmony tries to fire the boy, because he would be in danger. Tim claims that there was a contract that Dr Baum signed, two gold a day for food, board and work at the Moon and Stars.
Lazarus does a deal with some sailors that come in who are worshippers of Sardonyx. They toss a coin and it comes out favourable for Lazarus, so they pay twice.
Some gnomes come in, looking for food. They are extremely posh. The main individuals has three kids and breeds horses.
Those out in the town talk about potentially taking out the other tea shop. Castiel has scouted out the place before, but there was a blind individual scribing the books.
The group heads to the book shop. A lady emerges from behind, Anna, and then locks Netari in a back room to inspect the magical tomes. One is talking about the multiverse, heroes and common folk which have done epic deeds.
Harmony picks up His Scimitar of Sensuality.
The darker book, made from skin and sticky with a residue talks about demons. It mentions the creation of tieflings. It refers to one specific demon. She feels drawn into the book.
Castiel asks about Anna's account with Lahoto. He supplies special items. She also procures special items for him.
Castiel asks lots of questions about starting a business, business advice and getting out of a contract. She asks directly as to whether Dr Baum has a contract with Lahoto.
Nateri puts down a ten-thousand gold deposit down for the dark book, claiming that she will complete the remaining thirty-thousand in the next thirty days.
Netari picks up The Secret Knight, an exotic book about an exotic rich girl falling for a princely knight with a raunchy plot line.
Lazarus has been worked relentlessly, making food for the posh gnomes and betting with the sailors. In the end, he has to lock up the doors because the gnomes didn't want drunken ruffians and booked exclusive usage of the bar.
Castiel returns to the bar, so Lazarus goes out to procure fresh fruit to make juice for the gnomes kids.
Netari and Harmony go to a tailor, but swiftly leave and go to a market stand. Harmony convinces her to buy a yellow and pink knitted crop top and shell suit. She also mentions the idea of getting a tattoo on her lower back. Harmony says this will be perfect for the G-Man.
Netari discusses her adventurer name being Netari Carrion Blade.
Castiel discusses with the gnome of creating a private booking whenever they visit. NEtari and Harmony return and discuss that the gnomes are the Williams of Mythwater. He mentions Netari's father is in munitions. She mentions that her Dad is planning on retiring. Mythwater makes lots of fine swords and armour.
He asks if Netari could set up a buiness meeting by the end of the week with either Lahoto or Mr Pashar.
Netari pitches that Urhan and Grenhome are uniting, and they should get on board with the new regime with her.
They make a deal to go on a hunting trip with William's just after midday. We want his investment in our hospitality business, in return we will set up a meeting about wholesaling his arms and armour on a large scale. The group would like to act as a mediatory force between Williams and either Lahoto and Pasharr.
A voice pops into Castiel's head about bringing Harmony to Grenhome, from Nodram. He says its important.
The group call themselves the Carrion Blade Industries.
Netari hides her clothing behind the bar.
Castiel puts up a sign for a bar maid and cook needed.
Harmony puts a star in her bedroom window.
The group set out and meets with the Williams entourage of twenty people near the Elven Gate. They are mostly dressed in plate and well armed. There is a high chance that they are going to encounter a monster. They haven't hunted a stag since he was ten. The last thing he hunted was a dire wolf. A few are lighter dressed, carrying a chest.
A cloud of dust hangs in the air from where the quarry is in the distance.
The group reaches the woods and dismount, setting off into the shade.
Go for the hunting meeting.
Tonight, case out the dodgy tea shop.
Tomorrow, travel to Grenhome to talk to Nodram about Harmony's family.