
From Into the Wilds Wiki


  • Name: Lazarus
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 14
  • Homeland: Myste-Hass
  • Profession: "The acquisition of property (belonging to others)"
At the age of 5, Lazarus' family, including himself, fell ill with a sickness. Both his parents and his younger sibling perished, Lazarus alone survived. The family had been poor migrants to Myste-Hass, lacking means and acquaintances in the city. As a result Lazarus' only chance of survival was to care for him self in the harsh environment of the back allies and side streets of the city.
Working alone or with other urchins, Lazarus aimed but to survive another day, make it to one more sunset, one more meagre meal, trusting no one as a circumstantial ally may well become a foe minutes later.
As Lazarus aged, he increasingly yearned for a life beyond barely getting by on the streets of Myste-Hass. This led him to to rashly aim for ever bigger targets. In the attempt to pick the pocket of a passing adventurer, heavily laden with the spoils of their most recent conquest, he was caught. Rather than the punishment he expected, the adventurer took pity on his wretched state and instead granted him the opportunity to rise above his station. Once furnished with the bare minimum equipment, Lazarus too looked out upon the world with a new perspective, hoping to forge a place for himself in it.