The North Woods

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Two Helvettian scouts accompany the Myste-Hass heroes on another expedition to the North Woods which confirms the fiendish influence that seems to be spreading. The party notices increasingly prominent dark clouds that hang over the Tower of Silma. The group moves north until they are attacked by another Vrock which tries to carry party members to its nest at the top of another abandoned quarry. The group scales the quarry rise and kills the vrock’s babies in their nest. The party also encounters a group in the woods, one of which is a distinctive female who communicates with Dramos telepathically, stating he should come home.


The Crystal Caves are revisited, ensuring the space is fully cleared out.

28/01/20 – 06/02/20

The forest has changed considerably since the adventurers last visit. Inside they find the ground covered with thick foliage and head along the north-west edge to reach the second tower. As they do so, the group are ambushed by five reptilian creatures who seem unnatural for this world. Moving on, the party reaches the base of a tower that stands remarkably stable on crumbling foundations. They deal with some orc scouts and then decide to press inside to fight a large number of pyrotechnic goblins and brutish orcs. Continued exploration reveals a maze with dangerous statues. On the floor above, the party finds vast amounts of gold and treasure, including the Dolos Sword, stored inside an office with two sides. The heroes decide to head home and stow their treasures instead of continuing up to the final floor.


Setting out towards The North Woods, the party crosses Myloch’s Way heading west. Here they see wyverns patrolling the farms as a group of hobgoblins load crops onto a cart and move towards town. The adventurers intervene, attacking the hobgoblins and killing the patrol. They discover that Morthel has many of the farmer’s children hostage in the town. They leave one injured hobgoblin to take the cart of food back to town. The group then moves north, moving swiftly towards the remains of the Tower of Silma. Here they discover a tree has consumed the Genai Stone into itself. The creature asks if they have come to bring an offering. When they refuse, the trees begin to awaken and attack. Eventually, the group defeats the trees with fire and then Dramos steals the soul from the primary tree, capturing it in his iron flask. The group begins carrying the stone back to the tower on a giant floating arcane disk. Corym and Dramos encounters a cart on the road, with a farmer and his two grandchildren heading to the Tower of Dariss in fear.


Olga, Jim, Rabbit, Corvus, Bode and Quinn