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  • Name: Ulfgar Rangrimson
  • Race: Dwarf (Mountain)
  • Age: 87
  • Homeland: Pillai
  • Profession: Adventurer (Former Blacksmith’s Assistance)
Ulfgar was born in the secluded cold mountains of Pillai in the dwarven mining town of Silver Peaks. His father’s family, Rangrimsons, goes back many generations in the town, and his family is known for their great skill in crafting weapons. His father was a master axesmith, and he taught Ulfgar everything he needed to know in order to become an accomplished fighter in his own right.
Ulfgar reluctantly spent most of his adult life in the forge, crafting weapons and mining tools on commission. Every opportunity he had, he would explore and hunt in the local mountains - mainly trapping small game, and occasionally teaching younger dwarves how to track the local animals and traverse through the rough terrain.
One day returning from a hunt, Ulfgar came back to the scene of his village under attack from a large clan of hobgoblins killing and burning the buildings as they advance inwards. He was worried for his family’s safety and was able to conceal his movements into the town along a hunter's path only known to the locals.
Searching for his family he witnessed his father being impaled in his chest by a hobgoblin captain, there were many dead hobgoblins scattered in front of the house from whom his father had killed protecting the dwarves inside. As he saw his father's body fall, deep inside Ulfgar, he felt an electric spark. And for the first time in his life... He. Felt. Rage.
He doesn’t remember much after that moment apart from the searing memory of taking the captain’s head from his shoulders and the power he felt in that moment, The town folk and his family speak of how he charged and broke though the hobgoblin lines creating a path for his fellow dwarves to follow and escape the town, thus being regarded as a hero of Silver Peaks for the many lives he saved that day.
Ulfgar and the fellow refugees trekked for weeks in the mountains and plains of Pillai trying to find a new home for their people. They eventually settled in a human trading town on the coast near the Dalcimeer boarder were dwarves where a favoured and regular site due to their skills in craft and trade.
Ulfgar remained in the town for a year working in a smithy fixing armour and weapons, this gave him the opportunity to speak to many adventures about the world outside of Pillai of glory and wealth only one can dream of.
One night in the local tavern Ulfgar met two adventures Bricta & Elburg they were heading to Myste-Hass to make a name for themselves and were looking for fellow warriors to join them in their adventure, after their discussion they invite Ulfgar to accompany them on their journey. The following morning Ulfgar and his companions ventured to the docks and embarked to Myste-Hass.