Bishop of Fate

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A Bishop of Fate is a worshiper devoted to the god of prophecy, Fate. These individuals are typically devout followers who rise through the ranks of their church, becoming figures of authority and notability in the quest to raise awareness for their god.
Bishops normally rule over an area or a number of churches. Their job is to guide and instruct the Harbingers and clerics in their worship.
Bishops can come from a number of backgrounds. They are distinguished by their bright yellow and purple robes.

Notable Bishops

A Bishop of Fate traveled from Kahzara to Myste-Hass in order to take charge of the newly constructed Temple of Fate. It later becomes apparent that he is attempting to use a corrupted Genai Stone in the North Woods to open a portal that would cause Anglan to be brought through to Tempress. Fate planned to anoint the demon, Skaeon, as his Avatar and weaken the Divine Gate so that he can ascend. The Bishop is lilled and Harbinger gave her life to seal the rift.