War of Divinity

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In 3127 a council of priests representing the six deities declared that Arcane Magic should be regulated. This decision was prompted by the increasing levels of power shown by mages across the land. Priests began to feel that the power wielded by mages was unregulated and therefore becoming increasingly more dangerous. Whereas, the powers granted to priests were always regulated by their respected deities and a priest who turned from their faith would not be allowed to draw power from a Shrine. Furthermore, this council argued that even the Gods themselves were regulated by their fellow deities.
However, Arcane Magic was ultimately the result of the long dormant Genai Stones that had fallen to the land after Tempress had created the world. The Genai Stones buried deep beneath the land generate a collection of Ley Lines that certain individuals could access. The incredible power, and danger, of these stones is obvious to all who know the story of creation.
On implementing these laws, priests began routing out mages and searching for children who showed arcane potential. Soon an insurgence arose and fighting broke out in the streets of cities and towns between priests and mages. Temples were burned, Shrines desecrated, rituals were used to destroy [Ley Lines], gifted children were rounded up never to see their families again and the ordinary people were killed in the cross fire.
Ironically, the choice to regulate power had resulted in complete chaos with small factions of priests and mages broken up throughout the land, all fighting under different pretenses. With few leading figures and the general armies competently ill equipped to deal with such magical violence, many of the nations began to close of their borders. Isolating their lands from neighboring countries allowed each nation to implement their own rules on Arcane and Divine Magic.
Helvettia chose to eradicate most magic users from society. Dalcimeer held peace talks that brought their mages and priests to a truce. Brindle favoured their mages and imprisoned any priests that fought back. Pillai chose to completely isolate themselves from neighbouring countries and built walls on their borders.
Slowly the fighting came to an end and in 3188 a truce was officially declared. However, the continent was left in ruin and borders were officially closed.