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Most of the established civilisation has settled on, what is known as, the mainland of Tempress. This encompasses the countries of Equil, Brindle, Pillai, Dalcimeer, Kahzara and Helvettia. To the north, The Wild Lands and Onartok are harsh and barely habitable expanses inhabited by nomadic tribes and unusual races. On the eastern coast, the distant lands of A'kabarol remain estranged from most of the known countries. The ancient country of Anglan once sat on the western side of the continent, before the calamity that removed it from the known world.
The islands of Nadarr, Chevel and Talag have regular contact with countries on the mainland, with established shipping routes and transportation of people and goods back and forth.
The Crescent Isles, Tal Rekoh and Kyushu operate with relative independence, rarely making contact with the other established nations.
Finally, two weeks voyage to the west, is the newly established colony of Myste-Hass.
The Known Countries of Tempress
Country Brief Map
Anglan Stories of Anglan are heavily interlaced with myth and fantasy. All that is known to be fact is that Anglan was once a powerful nation which once sat on the western coast of the mainland. Their civilisation was characterised by impressive military prestige and a grand citadel which acted as the center of discovery, science and experimentation. One day, a massive chunk of the landmass that formed Anglan was ripped from the world, never to be seen again. The rest of the world was left to believe Anglan had been destroyed.

In truth, Anglan now sits somewhere in The Void between the Divine Gate and the infernal lands of hell. The citizens spend every day fighting for their lives - from the unforgiving climate, the arid earth, and, worst of all, the endless fight against the demons and devils that besiege their lands. Gradually, the population has diminished and retreated into the citadel - the last beacon of hope. Knights battle daily to protect the people. All magic is outlawed and despised. Whatever cataclysmic event ripped Anglan from the world responsible for the hatred. Most of the people worship the forbidden goddess, Tempress, desperate for deliverance. Though none of that is known in the rest of the world.

Brindle Brindle is primarily comprised of plains, agricultural flats and areas of rolling hills.

For most of its history, Brindle was made up of lots of tribal regions, ruled by small clan leaders. Slowly, the country became more united under the influence of several councils, or families, who injected purpose, wealth and influence into the nation. However, as the power of these councils increased, it became clearer that these families were in fact vampires. They had been sowing the seeds of their dominion for a long time, subjugating those around them until they could effectively feed from their people like cattle. The land is ruled by Helvettia now. The Helvettian army like to refer to themselves as a force that protects the civilised world, and that is how they viewed the invasion of Brindle. They moved in and supposedly eradicated the vampire threat. Brindle is now mostly used for farming to feed the Helvettian war machine. It is heavily garrisoned with a new large scale prison under construction.

Chevel Celts, horsemen and sailors - the people of Chevel have had the luxury of an island of their own, giving themselves heavy protection from much of the conflict that has affected the mainland. Nonetheless, they are a brave people and have never held back from sending representatives of their land when there is a larger crisis.

Chevel have long claimed control of the sea, asking other lands to agree to their policy, “If you are on the sea, and you can’t see land. Chevel owns it.” The island is inhabited by eight tribes that are essentially Celtic in origin. After centuries of fighting one another they have slowly learnt to live together in relative harmony, although occasional rifts do occur which often result in armed melees between two or more of the tribes.

Dalcimeer The elven colony of Dalcimeer was established in the rich lands left after Anglan's cataclysmal removal from the mainland. Travelers from Nadarr established a foothold on the mainland. Living harmoniously with the land, the elven people value knowledge and wisdom above all things. Temples, schools, libraries and collages are a huge part of elven culture. Though more engaged with the other nations, Dalcimeer still values the long established lineage and purity of the Elven Houses. DalcimeerMap1.jpg
Equil Equil is often seen to have a criminal populace, for it is the home of the immunity tax, where the country will offer refuge and protection from the legal entities of other nations when the tax is paid. However, Equil is also a hub for manufacture, trade and growing business. With vast immigration, there is plenty of work to be had, though most of the money goes to a few cut-throat business men at the top. Like many countries, Equil is now under the military rulership of Helvettia, but the corruption in Equil is ingrained deep and subtle. EquilMap1.jpg
Helvettia A strong fist since the early days, Helvettia has long been the military might that separated the dark from the civilised lands. When evil threatens, Helvettia will take the battlefield to ensure enemies are annihilated or brought into line. However, their power has led to corruption.

The unrest and conflict in Kahzara, Brindle, Equil, The Wild Lands and the new continent, Myste-Hass, has led to vast expansion of the Helvettian armies. Now large parts of the mainland are occupied, and controlled by the Empire. They are always ready to protect you and your land – regardless of whether you want their protection. Only a fool talks loudly against the Empire. Helvettia has, without a doubt, the strongest land force of any country in Tempress. None dare to face them in open battle and win. However, their might doesn't typically extend to the Helvettian navy.

Kahzara Kahzara is land with terrain as varied as it's political landscape; there are vast deserts throughout the midlands, icy mountains on the western border and waterlogged plains that run along the Osmes River.

When Kahzara introduced themselves at the trade summit, they began with the statement - “I am councilor Imotep, representative of Kahzara and also head of the assassin’s guild.” Shortly after, he was assassinated. The King was kidnapped and the youth of the country rebelled against their corrupt government, killing everyone over 30. Later, a peace was made with refugees who fled the age cull and a new Prime Minister was elected, but it was not to be and the new ruler was quickly overthrown. Helvettia, bordering Kahzara to the north west, saw this constant change of government as threatening and moved their army in to stabilise the country, imposing martial law. Notably, Kahzara is home to the Great Library and was the first country to found a Temple of Fate.

Myste-Hass Myste-Hass is a new colony situated on an unexplored landmass to the east of the mainland. Originally, King Myloch sent elvish settlers to establish the town in his name, rebuilding on the ruins of a lost civilisation. When boats began to arrive from other nations, bringing other races, the elves retreated to their own Quarter to maintain segregation. Now, the settlement of Myste-Hass is growing rapidly, with two busy ports and exploration to the far north. Myste-Hass is a hub for those looking to escape from the troubles on the mainland, though the townsfolk of Myste-Hass would tell you that the new land is not from troubles of its own. Myste-HassMap.jpg
Nadarr The island of Nadarr is home of the elves and, according to their history, the home of the first life on Tempress. Nadarr prefers to keep its distance from the other nations, believing it's own populace to been the oldest race and therefore the purest. Purity and family distinction is of high importance to the elves of Nadarr. There are eight Elven Houses, or families, which act as the ruling bodies for Nadarr.

The elves of Nadarr live in harmony with nature, blending their architecture and homes with the natural world and even binding their spirits to land when death finally takes them. It is this process that imbues Nadarr with incredible magics that feed the earth.

Onartok Onartok is an isolated segment of the mainland, divided from the south by the sprawling Wild Lands and impenetrable mountain ranges. The earth here is frozen and tough, making the people that reside in Onartok similar. The communities that exist in this frozen waste are typically small and made up of hunters.

Onartok is primarily home to humans, halflings and goliaths. There are some busier ports, areas where fishing and limited supplies allow slightly large towns to grow. However, the ports are frozen for most of the year, and life here is still unforgiving and harsh. Little is truly known of Onartok. Though common rumours suggest that Onartok is where Tempress fell to the land.

Pillai Often seen as barbaric, Pillai is a culture of conflict. After the War of Divinity, Pillai built a large wall around their country to prevent further conflict entering their lands. During these years, most of Pillai was ruled by tribal groups, with leaders going back generations. Now, their emperor, Borton Mohr, overarching ruler of all the tribes has made many agreements and trade deals with the neighboring countries to bring Pillai into line with more 'civilised' lands.

Pillai have become close friends with Dalcimeer in years since the Trade Summit. Though very different from the elves, the people of Pillai command a great respect for the wildlife that grows and lives in their lands. Those have traveled through speak of unbelievable creatures, including the infamous Pillain elephants.

Talag The exact location of the Isle O'Talag is unknown to most, but some suggest its an archipelago somewhere to the south of the mainland. What is certain, the people are cutthroats, rogues and pirates. At best, they are considered "sea traders", but, though they may appear to your ally, they'll likely have their hand in your pocket at the same time.

Rumours are abound that the different factions of this community have found a common cause and now unite.

The Wild Lands The Wild Lands are a vast expanse of land that is unconquered by the 'civilised' south. Mainly occupied by small groups of nomadic orcs, The Wild Lands are home to conflict in all directions. The orcs fight other tribes of orcs, they fight those in the west, those who come from Onartok, and the orcs fight Helvettia. A large wall crosses the border between Helvettia and The Wild Lands, heavily guarded by the Helvettia's military stations.

In recent years, rumors suggest that the infamous Orc King has returned, now undead. Like before, he is uniting the tribes and looking for a means to move south.

Unexplored Areas of Tempress
Country Brief Map
A'abarol Unexplored lands to east of the mainlands, bordering The Wild Lands.
Crescent Isles Unexplored archipelago to the north of Nadarr.
Kyushu Unexplored island to east of the mainland.
Tal Rekoh Unexplored island to east of the mainland.
Tal Rekoh.jpg


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