Expedition to Bruidor

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Sylleth gathers Father Howell, Nazzak and Olive, Thorum, Stavros and Ehecatl Skljef join them. They hitch up a cart and horse, packing the essentials into the cart.
Food has been increased on the Market Place. There is an increase in lamb shank, and vegetables supplied by the Elven Quarter.
Olive precures carrots and rations. Father Howell and Thorum precure an entire elephant leg of mixed meat, and five loaves of bread. Passers by approach the back of the cart thinking that we're selling food. Father Howell provides a few sandwichs for free.
Olive prays to Fate, who says he is growing in power and that is has taken a long time to get all the pieces the way they are supposed to be. He says, "Soon." Fate says that the future is set and the only goal is to reassign task to those who are less reliable and untrustworthy. Then, Fate says he must leave Olive because he sees what he needs. He says in a few hours, Olive will be closer to him and her piousness won't go unnoticed.
Nazzak wanders off and finds a shop that has clothes in the window. A dwarven lady is behind the counter. Its a laundrette, but the kind woman, Kylis, helps him acquire clothes. She gives Nazzak a woollen hat, knitted vest, full-length trousers, scarf and mittens in striped green and blue wool. She cuts the fingers off to increase the grip on Nazzak's sword. She makes a few toys, including a tiny owlbear plushy, which was for her niece who is gone now. The owl has real feathers. She asks Nazzak to come back at a later date and collect his loin cloth once it has soaked for a while.