The Oracle

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The Oracle had a tall house that overlooked the Market Place in Myste-Hass. She was a seer of soughts, who would give you snippets of you future for a price of gold.
The Oracle had a vested interest in Cao. She read his future a number of times and detected something special about him. However, her visions seemed linked to Morthel and his desire to take the Wish Stone which formed Cao's heart.
During the Sack of Myste-Hass, the Hurricane went to The Arena in pursuit of The Oracle. He found her motionless, kneeling before The Deacon. Cao killed The Deacon and then Morthel moved on him and took his Wish Stone heart.
The Oracle crawled from The Arena and was later met by other adventurers on the road and delivered safely to the Tower of Dariss, where she stayed in Corym's room. After the red dragon attack she has not been seen.

Father Howell's Notes

Readings from the Oracle -
  • Howell - You have love. Look up instead of down. Your urgent needs will be less. You will take the place of your brother. He is good but he is narrow minded.
  • Cao - Three wishes when I came of age. He carries those wishes within him. Your kind are rare here. Do you know how your kind are made. It is only the perfect gin, with the right soul which can grant wishes. Those gin rise to the top of society. Your kind are made when gin breed with humans. But once every now and then a baby is born in a storm. Manifested by the elements themselves. You were born with a perfect soul. This soul rages within your heart. It’s what drives you forward towards your power.
  • Sylleth - You cannot make you past your future. If you see her again on the path you are on she will not recognise you and will not love you. In life what did she want? I know you can do it but it makes me cold the thought of what you might achieve.

Harbinger's Notes

The Oracle said, "you face opposing enemies. Both of which have used me harshly. The one who blessed me with my abilities wishes to go up and tower over the others. The other, the one who deceived me, led Cao to his death. Cao’s heart was taken by Morthel. Fate wants to lord over the other Gods. Morthel wishes to bring them down. His mother was the true God and he will cast them down. He wishes to make them all Mortals and rule his mothers world alone. It would allow true full will to all people.
There is more. When I was in the arena, I was held and touched by the deacon. I saw things. Sometimes she sees what is coming and sometimes what has passed. Ravaran and Deacon were told to find the star weapons and keep them.
She saw a great future for Cao. But she was tricked given his end.