Difference between revisions of "Operation Murder Squad"

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Line 59: Line 59:
:Voices are heard from the sky.
:Voices are heard from the sky.
:<b>"Poor, poor boy. But, we forgive you. I give you the gift of peace," says [[Dariss]].
:<b>"Poor, poor boy. But, we forgive you. I give you the gift of peace," says [[Dariss]].
:"I will take away your chaos," whispers [[Sardonyx]].
:"I will take away your chaos," whispers [[Alaie]].
:"I will take your hate," says [[Imogen]].
:"I will take your hate," says [[Imogen]].
:"I take your ignorance," intones [[Peridot]].
:"I take your ignorance," intones [[Peridot]].
:"I will take your destiny," voices [[Fate]].
:"I will take your destiny," voices [[Sardonyx]].
:"And I will take your life," finalises [[Garr]].</b>
:"And I will take your life," finalises [[Garr]].</b>
:[[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] as a bear runs in and begins savaging the corpse of [[Morthel]].
:[[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] as a bear runs in and begins savaging the corpse of [[Morthel]].
:Later that morning, [[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] sits on the dock. Sometime has passed and there was lots to be done. [[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] sits hoping for calm, hoping for the rage to go away. He feels as though he has died and not come back. He hears a voice that says - "It is time."
:Later that morning, [[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] sits on the dock. Sometime has passed and there was lots to be done. [[Gartok Beartooth|Gartok]] sits hoping for calm, hoping for the rage to go away. He feels as though he has died and not come back. He hears a voice that says - "It is time."

Revision as of 23:32, 22 March 2022

The Myste-Hass Calender

24/02/2022 - 23/03/2022

Youtube Recording


Maolmhuire Artor climbs to the top of the Tower of Dariss, returning the scalemail to Gallo. He goes out into the night sky, looking at the moon. Suddenly, Maolmhuire is pulled forward, is soul hurtling towards a dark, watery plain where Garr stands before him. Garr asks why it is so easy to communicate with the cleric.
They talk about Tempress and ruminate on who may be Morthel's father.
Garr promises to watch over Maolmhuire, who, as soon as he is returned to his body, he uses the green Genai Stone to summon his undead, black dragon.
Reinholt talks with Dariss, who embodies Lorey's body giving information. He does not know if Ravaran knows our plan, he notes that Morthel is there, and Morthel is capable of taking divine magic.
Afterwards, Reinholt says goodbye to Lorey who agrees to watch over the Tower of Dariss and the Helvettians there.
Rasvyn casts seeming on the group as they follow the eastern river towards Myste-Hass. The adventurers appear as guards, Gartok has a collared goliath, Altibo as a plain brown horse and Maolmhuire's dragon as a black dragon.
The group enters through the southern cave system into the Myste-Hass Catacombs and then pops up through a sewer gate on the eastern edge of the Market Square. Splitting into two groups, they cut through the back streets moving towards the nicer areas of town, and Sten's House. They encounter a drunkard man peeing on the way, who runs off frightened with a little encouragement from Dramos.
Arriving outside Sten's House, there are six hobgoblin guards. The adventurers approach, Dramos identifying as Gordon who wants to talk to Ravaran. The hobgoblin indicates that Ravaran is not in at the moment, but mistress is here. The group manage to convince the hobgoblins to allow a couple of people into the group.
The women inside attempts to probe Dramos's mind, and, when this takes no affect, she casts detect magic. Corym casts silence and runs towards her. The hobgoblins hear commotion and turn on those outside. Inside, the woman casts a delayed fireball. Corym forces her down onto the ground. Harbinger runs in and kills the lady.
Hootie and Gremlin circle, seeing the light of dawn. They can see a fire in the docks. There are troops heading towards the south, the north and the market space.
Corym moves the body back into the recently used bed.
The ground shakes as a distant rumble shakes the town. There is a fire to the north of the town. The red dragon is in the sky.
Rasvyn casts locate creature on Ravaran. The wizard is a few hundred feet south, heading directly west.
Reinholt goes back to the woman, caving her face and skull in. He is filled with hate.
The party moves, the moon is clear despite the rising light and an inky darkness clings to the streets.
Father Howell sends a message to Corym - "Ravaran is here. At the arena. The prisoners are fake. The god creatures is here too." It is quiet as the group reaches the Market Square. Rasvyn senses Ravaran near. It is strangely empty here.
Ravaran calls to us. The ground in the market place begins to rise up in a column of broken rock and stone arises from the ground. A voice calls out, directly speaking to Dramos. Smoke starts to billow across the floor, and flows up the column.
Morthel appears. His huge muscular body is grey, with cracks and tears with blue beneath. His skin has now been painted white.
Harbinger calls for Altibo.
A gem stone erupts from the top of the tower, a bunch of Genai Stones collected together. A gate begins to emerge, a green ring from the Fey Wild, the red ring of Anglan, and a black ring of The Void, all moving towards the stone. Suddenly a burst of arcane energy drains every charged item, filling his stone with power that enhances his ritual.
Dramos removes the stopper from his Iron Flask and nothing happens. Corym tries to cast silence on Morthel.
Harbinger tries to hit him, but the Vorpal Sword does no damage. He punches Harbinger - hard. He dispels the magic on the silence.
Morthel calls "level the field", and a huge smokey demon drops from the second ring in the sky. The demon steals Harbinger's Vorpal Sword.
Morthel reaches up and sends a burst of energy, the mist clouding the moon.
The demon tries to crush the Vorpal Sword. Ravaran fails to throw fire from a nearby building. Dramos sets the entire room on fire, and sends in his animated ball bearings.
Morthel roots out Corym and casts Finger of Death.
Rasvyn dimension doors to the top of the rock pillar and the bag of holding is magnetised to the stone, the Genai Stones being pulled out toward the stones. The ring, which Rasvyn intended to charge on the stone, does not succeed.
Leaving Rasvyn with the stone, protected by a wall of force. Gartok leaps from the rock towards Morthel. A large smoky hand is extended from the hole in the sky.
Morthel takes Corym down, and then turns on Gartok. Moving past, Gartok notices Morthel has a flask on his belt and a stone amulet around his neck.
Ravaran continually casts Ice Storm on Dramos.
All the priests feel that the presence of their gods are closer than they've ever experienced before.
Rasvyn begins casting magic missiles at the Genai Stones.
Maolmhuire's dragon and Altibo arrive. The cleric calls out to his deity and Garr's response is audible to all. Suddenly, a huge, semi-angelic figure blasts down to the ground screaming - "Why have you done this?" It is Fate. Morthel reaches out and Fate is sucked into the flask.
Morthel casts Circle of Death, taking down Dramos and injuring virtually everyone other than Gartok.
Maolmhuire mounts his dragon and then casts blight, exploding the Genai Stone. The rings close up. The demon disappears, taking the Vorpal Sword along with him.
Furious, Morthel flies at Maolmhuire. The demi-god says that he can get more Genai Stones, but we won't be there for it. Morthel kills the dragon and goes for Maolmhuire.
Morthel sucks up Maolmhuire into the flask. Harbinger grabs the flask and throws it back to Reinholt, who then gives it to Rasvyn.
Just as Morthel grabs for the flask, Rasvyn wills everyone inside to emerge. The flask breaks open with a blast of energy and Nazzak, Jerek, Maolmhuire's unconscious body and Fate appeared, the latter quickly disappearing. Finally, Hurricane arrives in a swirl of energy, sucking all the dust and mist surrounding Morthel into his form. The stone necklace flies from Morthel onto C'ao's neck.
Morthel casts cloud kill on the newly-revealed characters, then persists to deal powerful attacks to everyone around. But, his eyes are set on following Hurricane.
Gartok Beartooth watches as Morthel slams a fist into Hurricane, but then has a vision of sitting in the docks, surrounded by the slowly lapping water. All is calm. He hears a voice - "Gartok, it's time."
Rasvyn puts a bubble of force around C'ao's body. Morthel casts power word kill on Corym, the first he resists with a death ward. The second kills him.
Morthel disintegrates the bubble protecting Hurricane. Then, threatens to kill everyone who heals or casts any divine magic. Chain lightening destroys Altibo.
Reinholt runs in, running out of spells he thrusts his diamond towards the sky and begs for the aid of Dariss. There is a rumble of thunder, the clouds move to reveal a black moon and Corym draws a tenuous breath, life granted by Dariss.
Then Morthel uses chain lightening again to take out Reinholt and Rasvyn, then kills Gartok with power work kill.
Morthel floats to C'ao's body. He creates a wall of force between him and Nazzak, then places a hand on the genasi's ruined body. He wishes for something and rings begin to open in the sky again, just like before.
Maolmhuire casts spare the dying on Hurricane. C'ao awakes, envisioning a visit to The Oracle. She apologises to C'ao, claiming that she was deceived, but she always knew that this path would unfold like this. C'ao says he wishes he could wish his heart gone, The Oracle says that is in the future, and she must prepare because he is about to arrive in her current timeline. C'ao asks to at least have a sword. She says "if you want a sword C'ao, you can just have one."
Harbinger tears Gartok's diamond necklace and cast revivify on the goliath, bringing him back form the brink of death.
Morthel knocks C'ao unconscious again and places his hand on his glowing chest, wishing for something. But, Rasvyn also touches Hurricane, wishing for Morthel to be made mortal.
Gartok transforms into a bear and then charges at Morthel. The final portal opens and the demon drops from the sky again.
The influence of Dariss feels closer. Corym prays for divine intervention, but gets no response.
Maolmhuire climbs to top of the rock, calling out to Garr in the rain, raising he stones. He casts silence where Morthel is.
Dramos casts an enormous chromatic orb which Morthel is vulnerable too because of Maolmhuire's abilities. Blood is running all over his body now, and he it appears he is mortal.
Morthel attempts to fly away, out of the silence. Nazzak and Jerek take hits on him. Rasvyn stabs him into the back, knocking him down to the ground. He begins to shrink, dying. Maolmhuire rushes in places his magical stones on Morthel's eyes.
Voices are heard from the sky.
"Poor, poor boy. But, we forgive you. I give you the gift of peace," says Dariss.
"I will take away your chaos," whispers Alaie.
"I will take your hate," says Imogen.
"I take your ignorance," intones Peridot.
"I will take your destiny," voices Sardonyx.
"And I will take your life," finalises Garr.
Gartok as a bear runs in and begins savaging the corpse of Morthel.
Later that morning, Gartok sits on the dock. Sometime has passed and there was lots to be done. Gartok sits hoping for calm, hoping for the rage to go away. He feels as though he has died and not come back. He hears a voice that says - "It is time."