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:[[Evandrielle]] disguises herself as an orc, then casts tongues on herself. [[Sylleth]] enlarges [[Nazzak]]. Most of the group hide in the brush, whilst [[Father Howell]] and [[Sylleth]] follow the two pseudo orcs forward. Horns are blown inside as the group approaches.
:[[Evandrielle]] disguises herself as an orc, then casts tongues on herself. [[Sylleth]] enlarges [[Nazzak]]. Most of the group hide in the brush, whilst [[Father Howell]] and [[Sylleth]] follow the two pseudo orcs forward. Horns are blown inside as the group approaches.
:The party is halted, as [[Drathu]] emerges from the cave entrance. He is wearing a make-shift crown, nailed together from scraps of metal. He carries a sword that is effectively a sheet of rusted metal. He is heavily armoured in dark-metal plate.
:The party is halted, as [[Drathu]] emerges from the cave entrance. He is wearing a make-shift crown, nailed together from scraps of metal. He carries a sword that is effectively a sheet of rusted metal. He is heavily armoured in dark-metal plate.
:[[Drathu]] does not like us. He says that a whole group of their people were recently taken back to [[Myste-Hass]]. They have an army coming. He asks for the humans to be handed over to work in the mines.
:[[Drathu]] knows that [[Morthel]] is dead. He knows they were lied too. This is what makes him and his tribe so angry. They have killed the humans who were influencing them. He has a shaman who is sniffing out lies and deception even as the adventurers talk to the orcs.
:[[Evandrielle]] and [[Nazzak]] talk about those who are harvesting Gokpoor and other creatures for slavery and battles. [[Drathu]] wants the head of this individual, he knows that taking the body parts of the pink skins makes them powerful, just like [[Morthel]]. IN six moons, the northern tribes will come south and take the town, burn it to the ground and no one will be spared except the pure.
:[[Drathu]] wants [[Sylleth]] and [[Father Howell]], for power or eating.
:[[Drathu]] says that they used to follow [[Erall]], and [[Drathu]] had to change his stance in order to garner more support. That suggests he garnered more support when he proposed attacking the town and taking back their lands.
:A low reedy sound is heard, then the shaman turns back to talk with a hunched figure with a low head.
:[[Evandrielle]] suggests that they'll go to the town and find the man who has been trading their lives, free the orcs and bring them home. He allows the pink skins to live because they argue that they're shamans that will be needed. If the orcs are successful, [[Drathu]] will judge them fit to breed with the tribe and make stronger offspring.
:The orcs will be watching and waiting for our return.
:The party argue about finding [[Alderman Gebel]] and bringing him back for justice, without informing the [[Myste-Hass council]]. Then, taking out [[Erall]], to prevent him influencing the tribe towards this large attack.

Latest revision as of 22:20, 29 June 2023

The Broketooth Tribe.png

The Myste-Hass Calender


Father Howell goes for a run and sees a two-story building called Dairy Press with a deep blue sign, golden lettering, stating Dairy Press. The clientele are emerging with heaped packages of melted cheese, with dipping sauces and bread.
Quinn goes to see Goraz, speaking with , before talking to Goraz who seems so keen, but actually doesn't remember Quinn. Quinn tells him all about the secret information and Genai Stones he has acquired for Valygar, under contract to not contact the Council of Myste-Hass. Quinn wants to share all those details with the council, but Goraz is keen to inform Quinn that the information is being passed between friends and not the Council of Myste-Hass. Goraz informs Quinn that you shouldn't go around signing documents randomly.
Crassus Hlaalu speaks with Gleeson, making him first mate and cautioning him for playing with a miniature guillotine. The Dead Man's Raft needs a new bosun. They discuss that shifts are not to be allowed for gambling, Mutina hasn't worked for three weeks. Crassus Hlaalu has been attacked a number of times by the old business owner, from which he won a business in a game of dice.
Crassus Hlaalu registers the West Myste-Hass Trading Company, then registers his small warehouse. He renames his fishing enterprise as The Crab Shack, previously known as Crooks' Bait. Jeremiah Crook was in a lot of debt because he had individual debts which he held against the business.
Nazzak says that he is worried about the orcs in the mind. They still believe Morthel is alive. There is a man, Orin and a shaman called Agis the Eye, who are telling them that Morthel is still alive and forcing them to work. The group went to claim the mines for someone. When his comrades were cut down, Nazzak said he saw a man who was wearing a hooded robe who said Nazzak was doing the right thing, but he couldn't send his friends to Carr and Garr. There was a very big orc there who the group needs to be careful of, the leader is caller Drathu.
Myste-Hass is recovering. The market stalls are busier than ever before. The militia have to mark off the path to ensure that carts can still move through.
Cao was sparring this morning with Kricush, The Tritan, a human who has had his whole body tattooed with scales. He wants to get into The Arena. There are some big names in The Arena, not to mention some captives who have done very well. There are poles with advertisments for the games lining the walkways in town, advertising The Raven Lord, Black Tooth, Green Doom and Red Sand. There are no posters advertising The Decapitator.
The space between the North Gate and outer wall is now filled. There has been a tavern erected on the space where the Temple of the People once stood. The gates to the new Helvettian Garrison are closed. The city gates are manned by militia guards.
The adventurers head east along the cliff path, crossing an area where a pit once was. Nazzak almost falls into a concealed pit on the road. There is a human body at the bottom of the pit, wearing outdoor gear. It's covered in dried blood, head removed in three or four blows. The right arm has been crushed.
Evandrielle recognises the dead man as someone who patrolled here before. The mans bag has two sets of manacles, a roll of parchment and a very old sandwich. The parchment states the value of people - naming orcs, hobgoblins, gokpoors, owlbears, bears, tigers, lions and people who are muscular, skilled at fighting, but particularly good look. The scroll states that these people should be taken to Alderman Gebel at Warehouse 97, on the eastern side of the southern docks.
THe group press on, looking for a rocky area where there is a split tree trunk, keeping the river on the left. If you go into the forest, you've gone too far.
Four hours later, the adventurers arrive at the empty mining chambers. The platforms have collapsed, derelict mining equipment is scattered throughout, with mouldering bodies strewn across the floor.
Quinn sees a wasp that is so large, the tree branch bows beneath its weight. Nazzak informs the group that they have a nest where they carried people away before. Father Howell emergency eats all of his sweet treats, then the group cautiously aiming to pass the wasp nest, towards the cave.
One of the wasps dives from the sky, it is swiftly killed but releases a pheromone which attracts more wasps.
The groups head to a clearing where the ground drops away. There is a ramshackled structure ahead, with two massive orcs, bigger than regular orcs. They have seven-foot crossbows with spear-like bolts. Beyond that are two more orcs with vicious looking weapons. Nazzak has not seen this structure before - it's new.
Evandrielle disguises herself as an orc, then casts tongues on herself. Sylleth enlarges Nazzak. Most of the group hide in the brush, whilst Father Howell and Sylleth follow the two pseudo orcs forward. Horns are blown inside as the group approaches.
The party is halted, as Drathu emerges from the cave entrance. He is wearing a make-shift crown, nailed together from scraps of metal. He carries a sword that is effectively a sheet of rusted metal. He is heavily armoured in dark-metal plate.
Drathu does not like us. He says that a whole group of their people were recently taken back to Myste-Hass. They have an army coming. He asks for the humans to be handed over to work in the mines.
Drathu knows that Morthel is dead. He knows they were lied too. This is what makes him and his tribe so angry. They have killed the humans who were influencing them. He has a shaman who is sniffing out lies and deception even as the adventurers talk to the orcs.
Evandrielle and Nazzak talk about those who are harvesting Gokpoor and other creatures for slavery and battles. Drathu wants the head of this individual, he knows that taking the body parts of the pink skins makes them powerful, just like Morthel. IN six moons, the northern tribes will come south and take the town, burn it to the ground and no one will be spared except the pure.
Drathu wants Sylleth and Father Howell, for power or eating.
Drathu says that they used to follow Erall, and Drathu had to change his stance in order to garner more support. That suggests he garnered more support when he proposed attacking the town and taking back their lands.
A low reedy sound is heard, then the shaman turns back to talk with a hunched figure with a low head.
Evandrielle suggests that they'll go to the town and find the man who has been trading their lives, free the orcs and bring them home. He allows the pink skins to live because they argue that they're shamans that will be needed. If the orcs are successful, Drathu will judge them fit to breed with the tribe and make stronger offspring.
The orcs will be watching and waiting for our return.
The party argue about finding Alderman Gebel and bringing him back for justice, without informing the Myste-Hass council. Then, taking out Erall, to prevent him influencing the tribe towards this large attack.