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[[Category:World of Tempress]]
[[Category:Into the Wilds]]
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
[[Bellatrix]], [[Crassus]], [[Father Howell]], [[Fred]] and [[Olive]] see a tiny-green sprite in their dreams, followed by visions of a beautiful land destroyed and drained with glowing pustules. When the group awakes, they are in another large forest. A humongous tree hides a village,[[Honey Wood]] and inside a woman, [[Titiana]], claims to have ruled a great land, now lost. The village is the last safe haven and they have a book of prophecy which talks about heroes from another land saving their land. The adventurers head east, eager to locate a Temple to their goddess, [[Destiny]]. Moving along the eastern path, the group come across a dilapidated building. Inside one of the buildings is a large glowing pustule, with a dead creature twitching nearby. Investigating, a bunch of animated limbs begin to grab for the party. During the fight, a zombie bursts from the building and bites [[Fred]], infecting him with some form of ice condition. These zombies are thinking about [[Mistress]]. After a short period, the cold bite eases and the group returns to the cellar door of the broken houses to rest.
[[Bellatrix]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]], [[Father Howell]], [[Fred]] and [[Olive]] see a tiny-green sprite in their dreams, followed by visions of a beautiful land destroyed and drained with glowing pustules. When the group awakes, they are in another large forest. A humongous tree hides a village,[[Honey Wood]] and inside a woman, [[Titania]], claims to have ruled a great land, now lost. The village is the last safe haven and they have a book of prophecy which talks about heroes from another land saving their land. The adventurers head east, eager to locate a Temple to their goddess, [[Destiny]]. Moving along the eastern path, the group come across a dilapidated building. Inside one of the buildings is a large glowing pustule, with a dead creature twitching nearby. Investigating, a bunch of animated limbs begin to grab for the party. During the fight, a zombie bursts from the building and bites [[Fred]], infecting him with some form of ice condition. These zombies are thinking about [[Mistress]]. After a short period, the cold bite eases and the group returns to the cellar door of the broken houses to rest.
Waking, [[Father Howell]] hears the movement of a cart. A short, rotund women is pulling the cart and collecting bits of the zombies. The women, [[De]], claims that she felt the creatures distress and has travelled south. Heading off, the party reaches the crossroad with signs to [[Ever-Glow Village]], [[Swamp of Mo]] and the [[Temple of Delight]]. Moving east when cries for help are heard from the swamp. However, when the group move towards the call, they are ambushed by dwarves with pet wolves. Under duress, the dwarves claim that they were sent to rob the party. Moving on, the party approach the [[Temple of Delight]]. Inside resides a pregnant owlbear which [[Olive]] befriends with magic and meat. [[Crassus]] and [[Father Howell]] locate a magical book that sparks. They also meet with a young women who floats as if in water alongside her air fish. She mentioned her brothers, one which is a straw-haired man who walks through dreams and, the other, another god-like entity whom controls the [[Book of Prophecy]]. [[Father Howell]] saw the former in his dreams the night before, hovering around [[Nazzak]] and [[Echatal|Til]] in some kind of confrontation. The women then helps [[Fred]] with a chest which opens and reveals a hidden piece of magical parchment. There is a map of the temple with dots to represent people's locations inside. The women also indicates that she has a twin sister who does not look alike, but suggest it may be [[De]].  
Waking, [[Father Howell]] hears the movement of a cart. A short, rotund women is pulling the cart and collecting bits of the zombies. The woman, [[Delight|De]], claims that she felt the creatures distress and has travelled south. Heading off, the party reaches the crossroad with signs to [[Ever-Glow Village]], [[Swamp of Mo]] and the [[Temple of Delight]]. Moving east when cries for help are heard from the swamp. However, when the group move towards the call, they are ambushed by dwarves with pet wolves. Under duress, the dwarves claim that they were sent to rob the party. Moving on, the party approach the [[Temple of Delight]]. Inside resides a pregnant owlbear which [[Olive]] befriends with magic and meat. [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] and [[Father Howell]] locate a magical book that sparks. They also meet with a young women who floats as if in water alongside her air fish. She mentioned her brothers, one which is a straw-haired man who walks through dreams and, the other, another god-like entity whom controls the [[Book of Prophecy]]. [[Father Howell]] saw the former in his dreams the night before, hovering around [[Nazzak]] and [[Ehecatl Skljef|Til]] in some kind of confrontation. The women then helps [[Fred]] with a chest which opens and reveals a hidden piece of magical parchment. There is a map of the temple with dots to represent people's locations inside. The woman also indicates that she has a twin sister who does not look alike, but suggest it may be [[De]].  
As [[Fred]] exits the building, an arrow is shot into him. There is a message attached:
As [[Fred]] exits the building, an arrow is shot into him. There is a message attached:
"So, you’re the ones ‘Destined’ to stop me? This land is mine, and you would be wise to remember that whilst you trespass. I can see everything you're doing. I see you have met my sisters. I have a proposition for you all. Meet me at my castle in the north, the hunter will lead you. The seal will guarantee you passage, once. Should you find your own way. Though your actions may change my mind. I'm sure destiny won’t mind the altered course. See you soon. [[Des]]."
"So, you’re the ones ‘Destined’ to stop me? This land is mine, and you would be wise to remember that whilst you trespass. I can see everything you're doing. I see you have met my sisters. I have a proposition for you all. Meet me at my castle in the north, the hunter will lead you. The seal will guarantee you passage, once. Should you find your own way. Though your actions may change my mind. I'm sure destiny won’t mind the altered course. See you soon. [[Des]]."
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Arriving back at the tree and the village of [[Honeywood]], we see the individual bound to his [[Book of Destiny]] again. The map now shows some green dots.
Arriving back at the tree and the village of [[Honeywood]], we see the individual bound to his [[Book of Destiny]] again. The map now shows some green dots.
Before leaving, [[Morpheus]] appears to [[Father Howell]]. This individual says he too has the ability to call us to their world - simply think of him before entering the land of dreams and he will bring us there. He states that the dream with [[Nazzak]] was real and he thought it was of importance for us.
Before leaving, [[Morpheus]] appears to [[Father Howell]]. This individual says he too has the ability to call us to their world - simply think of him before entering the land of dreams and he will bring us there. He states that the dream with [[Nazzak]] was real and he thought it was of importance for us.
:[[Kay-Tee]], [[All Day "Bear"]], [[Eldith Thromaen]], [[Lazarus]], [[Zan Horn]], [[Garland]] and [[Felix Scalebrand]] arrive outside the great tree and meet with the [[Dream Lord]]. He informs us of a [[Great Spire]] that has risen from the ground in the west, the whole acting as an entrance for tonnes of dangerous creatures.
:[[Kay-Tee]], [[Bear]], [[Eldith Thromaen]], [[Lazarus]], [[Zan Horn]], [[Garland]] and [[Felix Scalebrand]] arrive outside the great tree and meet with the [[Dream Lord]]. He informs us of a [[Great Spire]] that has risen from the ground in the west, the whole acting as an entrance for tonnes of dangerous creatures.
:We meet with [[Titania]] and she gives us further information. There is a notice board that lists information about lots of people going missing, animals included. One of the notes, which [[Felix Scalebrand]] picks up, offers a 300gp reward for dealing with spire.
:We meet with [[Titania]] and she gives us further information. There is a notice board that lists information about lots of people going missing, animals included. One of the notes, which [[Felix Scalebrand]] picks up, offers a 300gp reward for dealing with spire.
:The group goes to a potion shop and purchases healing potions. [[Zan Horn]] trades a T-rex claw and three teeth for a greater healing potion.  
:The group goes to a potion shop and purchases healing potions. [[Zan Horn]] trades a T-rex claw and three teeth for a greater healing potion.  
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:We reach a line where all the grass ahead is dead. The trees aren't right, dying with boubous spores. The air smells damp.
:We reach a line where all the grass ahead is dead. The trees aren't right, dying with boubous spores. The air smells damp.
:[[Felix Scalebrand]] fires an arrow into one of the sacks and it bursts, the tree crumbling into dust, and a red mist exploding, the settling onto the ground.
:[[Felix Scalebrand]] fires an arrow into one of the sacks and it bursts, the tree crumbling into dust, and a red mist exploding, the settling onto the ground.
:We hear someone shout at us. [[Garland]] senses an undead presence with divine sense. The creature is wearing a hat with bells on it. He says someone is coming for us. [[Felix Scalebrand]] and [[All Day "Bear"]] sees rustling off the side of the path. Its a pig.
:We hear someone shout at us. [[Garland]] senses an undead presence with divine sense. The creature is wearing a hat with bells on it. He says someone is coming for us. [[Felix Scalebrand]] and [[Bear]] sees rustling off the side of the path. Its a pig.
:Aftermost of a day's travel, the group settle to rest. On [[Garland]] and [[Lazrus]]'s watch, fluttering wings are heard. There are thirty owls around, looking towards us. More come and the group use torches to deter them, before going back to sleep.  
:Aftermost of a day's travel, the group settle to rest. On [[Garland]] and [[Lazrus]]'s watch, fluttering wings are heard. There are thirty owls around, looking towards us. More come and the group use torches to deter them, before going back to sleep.  
:[[Zan Horn]] fires an arrow at an owl. We then are peppered by arrows. [[Felix Scalebrand]] is shot to unconsciousness. [[Eldith Thromaen]] is petrified by a face, with a wide-brimmed hat that appears to her. [[Kay-Tee]] heals [[Felix]].
:[[Zan Horn]] fires an arrow at an owl. We then are peppered by arrows. [[Felix Scalebrand]] is shot to unconsciousness. [[Eldith Thromaen]] is petrified by a face, with a wide-brimmed hat that appears to her. [[Kay-Tee]] heals [[Felix]].
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:We tie "Dinner" to a nearby tree.
:We tie "Dinner" to a nearby tree.
:There is rustling in the darkness of the obelisk ahead. There are wolves with spores on them inside the basement level of this structure. There is also a displacer beast and a bunch of spiders which attacks the other wolves.
:There is rustling in the darkness of the obelisk ahead. There are wolves with spores on them inside the basement level of this structure. There is also a displacer beast and a bunch of spiders which attacks the other wolves.
:[[Garland]], the priest of [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] is taken down but the beast, but [[Felix Scalebrand]] heals him after [[All Day "Bear"]] kills the displacer.
:[[Garland]], the priest of [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] is taken down but the beast, but [[Felix Scalebrand]] heals him after [[Bear]] kills the displacer.
:The group retreats just a little, to "Sir Oinksalot" and then attempts a short rest, but whether they succeed remains to be seen.
:The group retreats just a little, to "Sir Oinksalot" and then attempts a short rest, but whether they succeed remains to be seen.
:A vision of [[The Dream Lord]] appears, just as [[All Day "Bear"]], [[Eldith Thromaen]] and [[Garland]] disappears. [[The Dream Lord]] says they are needed elsewhere. He informs us, there is a village to the north, but he can't travel far to check whether it was still there.  
:A vision of [[The Dream Lord]] appears, just as [[All Day "Bear"]], [[Eldith Thromaen]] and [[Garland]] disappears. [[The Dream Lord]] says they are needed elsewhere. He informs us, there is a village to the north, but he can't travel far to check whether it was still there.  
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:The group comes across a large tree, bigger than anything nearby. Birds land on [[Genazie]] in a friendly way. During the long rest, [[Wremin]] produces a big egg which he gifts [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]]. The egg hatches, and a blue drake emerges. [[Starfinder]] offers a tarot reading for the drakes name, letting [[Fate]] decide. [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]] draws "The Empress". He names the drake [[Lillith]].  
:The group comes across a large tree, bigger than anything nearby. Birds land on [[Genazie]] in a friendly way. During the long rest, [[Wremin]] produces a big egg which he gifts [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]]. The egg hatches, and a blue drake emerges. [[Starfinder]] offers a tarot reading for the drakes name, letting [[Fate]] decide. [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]] draws "The Empress". He names the drake [[Lillith]].  
:The group returns to the obelisk. Hearing people upstairs, [[Starfinder]] and [[Urug]] go up to talk with them. [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]] begins to set an alarm on the entrance. There are skeletons scattered throughout the first floor. There is a magical shield with a green front, etched with a spider web. A person is hiding amongst the walls, possessive over some loot. [[Urug]] gets caught in a cube-like prison that raises from the ground and traps him inside. The rival explorers attack.
:The group returns to the obelisk. Hearing people upstairs, [[Starfinder]] and [[Urug]] go up to talk with them. [[Felix Scalebrand|Felix]] begins to set an alarm on the entrance. There are skeletons scattered throughout the first floor. There is a magical shield with a green front, etched with a spider web. A person is hiding amongst the walls, possessive over some loot. [[Urug]] gets caught in a cube-like prison that raises from the ground and traps him inside. The rival explorers attack.
:Later, looting their dead bodies, broaches depicting a mockingbird are found. There are backpacks and piles of pouches with valuables piled around.
:On the floor above, there is a V shape made from statues. The most forward statues are holding great swords. Those at the back have pikes. Whilst moving past, the statues attack. [[Starfinder]] uses thunder to harm the stone statues. The group then set about disarming and destroying the statues, whilst [[Lazarus]] searches for traps on a chest of gold and is instead attacked by a swarm of mimic gold.
:The group take a peek at what is on the fourth floor, before taking a long rest. The room is entirely empty. There are some large, up-turned cog shapes on each wall. Sir Oinksalot is brought up to rest with the group in the room with the statues.

Latest revision as of 18:37, 10 November 2022


The Myste-Hass Calender


Bellatrix, Crassus, Father Howell, Fred and Olive see a tiny-green sprite in their dreams, followed by visions of a beautiful land destroyed and drained with glowing pustules. When the group awakes, they are in another large forest. A humongous tree hides a village,Honey Wood and inside a woman, Titania, claims to have ruled a great land, now lost. The village is the last safe haven and they have a book of prophecy which talks about heroes from another land saving their land. The adventurers head east, eager to locate a Temple to their goddess, Destiny. Moving along the eastern path, the group come across a dilapidated building. Inside one of the buildings is a large glowing pustule, with a dead creature twitching nearby. Investigating, a bunch of animated limbs begin to grab for the party. During the fight, a zombie bursts from the building and bites Fred, infecting him with some form of ice condition. These zombies are thinking about Mistress. After a short period, the cold bite eases and the group returns to the cellar door of the broken houses to rest.


Waking, Father Howell hears the movement of a cart. A short, rotund women is pulling the cart and collecting bits of the zombies. The woman, De, claims that she felt the creatures distress and has travelled south. Heading off, the party reaches the crossroad with signs to Ever-Glow Village, Swamp of Mo and the Temple of Delight. Moving east when cries for help are heard from the swamp. However, when the group move towards the call, they are ambushed by dwarves with pet wolves. Under duress, the dwarves claim that they were sent to rob the party. Moving on, the party approach the Temple of Delight. Inside resides a pregnant owlbear which Olive befriends with magic and meat. Crassus and Father Howell locate a magical book that sparks. They also meet with a young women who floats as if in water alongside her air fish. She mentioned her brothers, one which is a straw-haired man who walks through dreams and, the other, another god-like entity whom controls the Book of Prophecy. Father Howell saw the former in his dreams the night before, hovering around Nazzak and Til in some kind of confrontation. The women then helps Fred with a chest which opens and reveals a hidden piece of magical parchment. There is a map of the temple with dots to represent people's locations inside. The woman also indicates that she has a twin sister who does not look alike, but suggest it may be De. As Fred exits the building, an arrow is shot into him. There is a message attached: "So, you’re the ones ‘Destined’ to stop me? This land is mine, and you would be wise to remember that whilst you trespass. I can see everything you're doing. I see you have met my sisters. I have a proposition for you all. Meet me at my castle in the north, the hunter will lead you. The seal will guarantee you passage, once. Should you find your own way. Though your actions may change my mind. I'm sure destiny won’t mind the altered course. See you soon. Des." The party make the four hour trip back to the village, with brief sightings of the mounted individual firing arrows nearby. The map shows him as a red dot. Arriving back at the tree and the village of Honeywood, we see the individual bound to his Book of Destiny again. The map now shows some green dots. Before leaving, Morpheus appears to Father Howell. This individual says he too has the ability to call us to their world - simply think of him before entering the land of dreams and he will bring us there. He states that the dream with Nazzak was real and he thought it was of importance for us.



Kay-Tee, Bear, Eldith Thromaen, Lazarus, Zan Horn, Garland and Felix Scalebrand arrive outside the great tree and meet with the Dream Lord. He informs us of a Great Spire that has risen from the ground in the west, the whole acting as an entrance for tonnes of dangerous creatures.
We meet with Titania and she gives us further information. There is a notice board that lists information about lots of people going missing, animals included. One of the notes, which Felix Scalebrand picks up, offers a 300gp reward for dealing with spire.
The group goes to a potion shop and purchases healing potions. Zan Horn trades a T-rex claw and three teeth for a greater healing potion.
We hear metal clanking together and orders being shouted. There are lots of armoured figures training. There are patrolling guards. There are lots of different races. They're garbed in natural armour and wooden attire. They don't pay attention to us.
We reach a line where all the grass ahead is dead. The trees aren't right, dying with boubous spores. The air smells damp.
Felix Scalebrand fires an arrow into one of the sacks and it bursts, the tree crumbling into dust, and a red mist exploding, the settling onto the ground.
We hear someone shout at us. Garland senses an undead presence with divine sense. The creature is wearing a hat with bells on it. He says someone is coming for us. Felix Scalebrand and Bear sees rustling off the side of the path. Its a pig.
Aftermost of a day's travel, the group settle to rest. On Garland and Lazrus's watch, fluttering wings are heard. There are thirty owls around, looking towards us. More come and the group use torches to deter them, before going back to sleep.
Zan Horn fires an arrow at an owl. We then are peppered by arrows. Felix Scalebrand is shot to unconsciousness. Eldith Thromaen is petrified by a face, with a wide-brimmed hat that appears to her. Kay-Tee heals Felix.
The rest move on for another three hours, heading towards the obelisk.
The obelisk is 200ft in height and surrounded by upturned earth, where there is a big whole.
We tie "Dinner" to a nearby tree.
There is rustling in the darkness of the obelisk ahead. There are wolves with spores on them inside the basement level of this structure. There is also a displacer beast and a bunch of spiders which attacks the other wolves.
Garland, the priest of Garr is taken down but the beast, but Felix Scalebrand heals him after Bear kills the displacer.
The group retreats just a little, to "Sir Oinksalot" and then attempts a short rest, but whether they succeed remains to be seen.


A vision of The Dream Lord appears, just as All Day "Bear", Eldith Thromaen and Garland disappears. The Dream Lord says they are needed elsewhere. He informs us, there is a village to the north, but he can't travel far to check whether it was still there.
Kay-Tee and Felix decide to stay outside with the pig, whilst Lazrus peeks inside the first floor of the obelisk. As soon he steps inside, torches begin to glow with a dim-green light. There is a women's face painted in white on the wall. There are pipes with the sound of rushing water from within. There are stairs going down, blocked with rubble. The stairs going up look clear.
Standing on certain floor tiles causes a spike trap to activate in the wall.
There is an ornate sword, with a sapphire gem in the handle, stuck into the ground. This weapon is old and rusted, but the handle looks untouched by weather or age. Lazarus attempts to lasso the sword, but fails. On leaving, he hears someone speaking up stairs, aware of the adventurers presence.
The group decide to cut north towards this village. Felix sees a horse and an armoured rider. There is a goliath slumped over the back of the horse. The group decide to let the creature move off. They set off north west.
Then there is another sound, a cart, with the kobold the adventurers have met before. He has a bag with flying keys inside. Titania entrusted him to look after, and scavenge items of note.
Inside, are two figures. There is a purple-skinned tiefling, messing with a deck of cards - Starfinder. And, a tall, half orc with a hunch back and a quarterstaff - Urug. The centaur introduces himself as Ganazie, a healer and a druid.
The group comes across a large tree, bigger than anything nearby. Birds land on Genazie in a friendly way. During the long rest, Wremin produces a big egg which he gifts Felix. The egg hatches, and a blue drake emerges. Starfinder offers a tarot reading for the drakes name, letting Fate decide. Felix draws "The Empress". He names the drake Lillith.
The group returns to the obelisk. Hearing people upstairs, Starfinder and Urug go up to talk with them. Felix begins to set an alarm on the entrance. There are skeletons scattered throughout the first floor. There is a magical shield with a green front, etched with a spider web. A person is hiding amongst the walls, possessive over some loot. Urug gets caught in a cube-like prison that raises from the ground and traps him inside. The rival explorers attack.
Later, looting their dead bodies, broaches depicting a mockingbird are found. There are backpacks and piles of pouches with valuables piled around.
On the floor above, there is a V shape made from statues. The most forward statues are holding great swords. Those at the back have pikes. Whilst moving past, the statues attack. Starfinder uses thunder to harm the stone statues. The group then set about disarming and destroying the statues, whilst Lazarus searches for traps on a chest of gold and is instead attacked by a swarm of mimic gold.
The group take a peek at what is on the fourth floor, before taking a long rest. The room is entirely empty. There are some large, up-turned cog shapes on each wall. Sir Oinksalot is brought up to rest with the group in the room with the statues.




