Temple of Delight

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Temple of Delight is located in the east of the The Wildwood. Outside the temple, on a small enclave, is a twenty-foot statue of a plain looking women, a arrow-shaped fish above her head pointing south and a symbol of Sardonyx on the wall behind her. The two doors representing Sardoynx are carved from two coloured stones, to make the black door and the white door. Inside, similar statues adorn the sides of the room looking to the temple. At the back of the room is an alter, with bookshelves to the right and a room off to the left. The room contains a bed.

Father Howell's Notes:

Off to the side of the temple, is a small-yellow fish, seemingly floating in the air and swimming in a circle. Looking over Bellatrix and Father Howell notices a bubble pop in the air.
There are streaks of blood, new and old, at the temple entrance. A huge pile of decomposing corpses a heaped in the centre of the room and a sleeping owlbear stirs upon the alter.
Olive befriends the owlbear with magic and strips of meat. Father Howell and Crassus begin searching the bookshelves for the Books of Prophecy.
Crassus and Father Howell meets with a young women, who floats as if in water alongside her air fish. This girl, who went by Delight and now Delirium, seemed playful and crazed. She mentioned her brothers, one which is a straw-haired man who walks through dreams and, the other, another god-like entity whom controls the Book of Prophecy.