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:Suddenly, an eagle attacks [[Dramos]]'s bat form. Meanwhile, [[Harbinger]] trips on the steps up to the bridge, knocking [[Reinhold]], [[Maolmhuire Artor|Maolmhuire]] and [[Rasvyn]]. The latter two fall from the edge, until [[Rasvyn]] casts fly to save them both.
:Suddenly, an eagle attacks [[Dramos]]'s bat form. Meanwhile, [[Harbinger]] trips on the steps up to the bridge, knocking [[Reinhold]], [[Maolmhuire Artor|Maolmhuire]] and [[Rasvyn]]. The latter two fall from the edge, until [[Rasvyn]] casts fly to save them both.
:[[Dramos]] returns to his normal teifling form. He notes that there is commotion because the players are rising up towards their settlement. [[Dramos]] just approaches and leans on the rail casually. The people are talking about "people returning". Realising [[Dramos]] is there, the other man calls "<b>ALARM</B>". They scream wizard when [[Rasvyn]] appears, pulling weapons.
:[[Dramos]] returns to his normal teifling form. He notes that there is commotion because the players are rising up towards their settlement. [[Dramos]] just approaches and leans on the rail casually. The people are talking about "people returning". Realising [[Dramos]] is there, the other man calls "<b>ALARM</B>". They scream wizard when [[Rasvyn]] appears, pulling weapons.
:A large figure, human and still draped in furs, with a thick beard and hair appears. He assumes the group is from [[Var Katark]]'s party with new goods.
:A large figure, human and still draped in furs, with a thick beard and hair appears. He assumes the group is from [[Var Kartark]]'s party with new goods. He introduces himself as [[Zalas]], head of the community. They haven't seen a wizard for a while. He offers food and water. He asks everyones names in the adventuring group and introduces a number of people from their group. They seem especially taken aback by [[Corym]]'s divine powers.
:[[Malmas]], clean shaven, with long blond hair and a light tunic and skirt runs over to aid [[Reinhold]].
:They have no inn, but [[Zalas]] offers us a space in his house. The man talks about a woman in the hills with a house that has legs - a babayaga. They are not friends with her though.
:They seems uncomfortable with talk of [[Dariss]] and [[Altibo]].
:[[Reinhold]] spots that a number of the villagers are unhappy with the situation and [[Zalas]] trying to smooth over the situation. All of the weapons they carry are extremely high quality. They have engraving and detailing on them, far higher quality than the clothing they bare. Some of them are wearing hidden amulets.
:These people were nomads before [[Zalas]] gave them this life. When they moved around, they had holy people but they were taken, alongside their shaman who went with [[Morthel]]. [[Zalas]] tries to distract the private conversations with the fishermen, but is then threatening when [[Reinhold]] says he would like to talk to [[Voice]] on his own.
:[[Ororad]] is very sick, a sickness has come to him and he's been bed ridden for a couple of weeks.
:[[Voice]] asks [[Reinholt]] to tell [[Zalas]] that he was useful.
:[[Harbinger]] tells [[Altibo]] not to startle the people, but he extends his wings and shows himself off.
:[[Rasvyn]] sees a couple of boats moored in a dock.

Revision as of 19:22, 5 July 2022


The Myste-Hass Calender

28/06/2022 - 05/07/2022

It is late in the year and Harbinger, Dramos, Gartok, Rasvyn, Maolmhuire, Reinhold and Corym gather at the home of Maolmhuire and Rasvyn to plan the assault on the red dragon.
Reinhold sends Lorey a message calling him to Myste-Hass. Corym tries to convince him to stay and look after the Tower of Dariss.
Lorey makes an agreement with Corym. If Corym has not returned to collect him by 3pm, he gets to hit Corym.
Gartok hasn't seen Benadictor whilst he's been staying at the Temple of Alaie.
Harbinger collects Dragon-Slayer Longsword from Jerek, swapping him Tyrok's Reaper. He was being carved in stone by Walchard, his foot raised on a carving of Morthel's foot.
Rasvyn investigates Corym's bag and detects nothing. So, the group head to The Arena. The Beast is fighting a retarius in practice matches on the sands. Geoffrey is also at The Arena in a heated conversation with a man, Xeus, who has taken over The Arena. He hasn't seen Gallum. There looks to be about ten physically fit men working at The Arena.
Geoffrey says they're already having issues organising the Myste-Hass Council meeting, and he's been busy dealing with three murders. Geoffrey said that he retrieved a similar bag at the home of a merchant 62 Wall Street. He had been strangled and then ripped apart. He had a bag at his home similar to Corym's.
Gartok turn the bag out and nothing comes out. He tries to summon the diamonds stored in there, but not emerge. He looks in and the bottom of the bag is visible. Corym puts a coin into the bag, it disappears and can't be summoned out again.
Geoffrey and Dramos head to the Militia Barracks and collect the similar bag. Rasvyn discerns both as magical with detect magic. Corym empties the second bag and nothing comes out. Harbinger divine senses but sees nothing.
Gremlin flies into the new bag, Rasvyn looks through his eyes and can see nothing. He flies around in a dark space, but nothing gets closer or further away. Rasvyn casts light on a coin and drops it into the bag. Reinhold can see the coin. As Gremlin nears the light, shadowed fingers wrap around the coin, extinguishing the light. Gremlin is taken by the creature before he can be popped into a pocket dimension.
Geoffrey says he will bring it up at the council meeting today. But, Andro wants all public messages vetted before release, because Duos Sten had a message he wanted to release which was stopped.
Geoffrey advises us to avoid causing damage to the city or properties. He is going house to house checking the situation.
Corym heals Geoffrey, re-growing his lost hand.
Harbinger has a tether made for Altibo.
Reinhold goes to a warehouse and meets Yosen for a horse. He offers something super aggressive and exotic, a warg with a saddle. They had to dose a small dog and feed it to the warg to get it dragged into the warehouse. The warg eats dogs now. Reinholt pays 40gp for the warg, to hold the creature for at least a week. The cleric buys a black horse, Gaheme, who is very well trained by the looks of it. The warhorse is very good quality by the looks of it. He clearly used to wear a different type of saddle. He's very responsive, staying stock still on mounting and moving when commanded.
Maolmhuire goes to the Temple of Garr and speaks to Heller. He talks about a matter in the graveyard. Heller believes Morthel was tampering with bodies in the graveyard. He seems concerned that Maolmhuire is living with Rasvyn, an arcane practitioner. Maolmhuire hands over a very large collection of gold coins (5000gp). Maolmhuire calls himself a saint and says he will take the red dragon.
Heller asks about his 'Toad'. Maolmhuire asks about an apprentice and Heller says he will find one.
Corym Word of Recalls himself back to the Tower of Dariss and speaks with Lorey. They spar to release some of Lorey's pent up energy. Lorey wins.
Rasvyn scrys the red dragon. He sees the peak of the volcano, where the dragon is perched just on the brim in the extreme heat. He's almost aglow with heat, basking. He's looking south. Rasvyn then scrys south of the volcano. There is a structure here, a squarish building that goes to the waters edge. It was once bigger, but columns and walls have collapsed into the water. There is a hole in the roof of the building. There are lights, much like torches inside.
Rasvyn then goes to the Temple of Peridot, where they are repairing the doors. Morthel took everything and was transporting them off, he was veracious for knowledge. The man who came here spared the Peridot worshipper, Yerek, on the condition that he would inform him about more priests turning up in the town. Ravaran gives him a book named the Ritual's of Silma to begin the new collection.
Maolmhuire inspects his jar with a tadpole in it. The creature floats a little as if its maybe alive. It stares at him as he drifts to sleep.
Dramos meets Gartok at the Temple of Alaie, whilst Harbinger and Rasvyn fall asleep at the house. Many of the rooms at the temple have been ransacked and the doors broken. There are no priests or belongings left untaken. They go to the alter, which is made from an unworked piece of wood.
Dramos scrys on a Benadictor. He hears a voice say "Remember." A women moves down a corridor, she is crying and carrying a bundle. Dramos feels himself stood in the corridor and hears a baby crying. Outside is black, with a grey horizon. A rabble of teaming beast pour over the castle walls. There is a pulse of green light that blasts out of the castle, destroying the horde of demons trying to get in. She looks back into the castle and sees a dark figure running towards her. Suddenly, Dramos is in greenery. A women is here with her back to you. She has a bundle in her arms, a book, which she wraps and thrusts into the soil. Dramos knows this place. He's been there before.
He does not see Benadictor.
Rasvyn scrys on Ravaran. He sees the arcane pracitoner at the end of the room with a bunch of papers. Another voice, an aid, points out the scrying orb. Rasvyn communicates telepathically. He taunts that he's busy with lots of people, deciding what to do with them. He refers to goliaths as "virtually slaves" and religious users as "misguided" - power is ours, he says. Rasvyn tells Ravaran to keep clear of Myste-Hass. He says he granted it to the adventurers. He covers a large sheet of paper with spell books that he has out. Rasvyn attempts to cast suggestion on the aid, but he resists and is told to leave the office.
Reinhold gives Lorey him the warg, called Kong, which he beats until unconsciousness. But, he seems pretty touched to receive a gift. He does manage to ride the warg, but he wraps its mouth with a length of leather.
Everyone sets off to the Tower of Dariss, Maolmhuire with his cart and horse. As Altibo dives down with Harbinger tethered on the back, screaming.
In the morning, Corym casts Find the Path and it tries to lead the group through the Eastern Swamp. They travel directly east to meet the river, then turn north. It is eerily quiet as the party approaches the mountains, an area they've never been to before. There is a waterfall high up in mountains, rushing violently out of the foothills and moving south. There is an old wooden bridge, hammered into the ground.
In the long grass on the opposite side, Reinholt spies a booted, human leg, stuck out of the grass. A tree has been freshly broken on the other side as well. Gremlin flies over. An elderly man lies face down in the grass. The man moves weakly.
The man has several slashes across his chests. They don't look like sword marks. Harbinger heals him, but the wounds reopen. A pale man set upon him, he wasn't armoured. He smiled the whole time. He says, "The pale man has me, after he beat me he carried on that way." He mentions the power of Dariss flowing through him from our power. His words are not external. The pale man took his spirit. I should expert Garr soon. He is Zull. He should have been able to defeat the man but he whipped him repeatedly with the whip, then drew him out. The adventurers are talking to the memories in the body.
Corym casts Greater Restoration and it awakes the man who Zull had suppressed, Goredon. He is a man from Bruidor, back when it was a flourishing town. Setnis rules over Bruidor, in his version of the current, the town is well protected. We inform him that many hundreds of years have passed. His wife, Surrah is likely dead.
Corym casts Legend Lore and learns that Setnis is the leader, but he is subservient to the The Twelve who role through the streets and make conflicting demands at anytime.
The man knows of Gilcas, but not the Tower of Dariss. He knows it as the The Demon's Finger. In fact, he is very hostile to Dramos. He worshipped Ardonnet.
Reinhold goes through the mans pack, replacing a scroll with food and supplies. The scroll says - "Harbinger, first moves on me. See you soon."
Gartok attempts to follow the footprints north. They are large prints, that hover near the body then set of to the north east. The adventurers continue. The estuary butts up against the sheer mountain face, ejected from the rock. There are steps in the rock, with a number of wooden buildings high up on the mountainside. There is no way for the cart to ascend.
Dramos runs forward with his cloak and lands on the bridge high above. He sees a group of people looking over the bridge, down at the group gathered below.
Kong is sleeping because Lorey chokes him out, and they remain at the bottom of the cliff face. Maolmhuire must leave his cart and horse.
There are buildings, a windmill, a circular building with a dome and two bridges up on this rise. There is wall that barriers off the banks off the back of the river. There are humans and elves. The people here are not well dressed and there doesn't seem to be any animals. There are towers on either side of the bridge, near the precipice.
The people are hoisting up a net full of fish that blocks of the edge of the river. Dramos is looking around.
Suddenly, an eagle attacks Dramos's bat form. Meanwhile, Harbinger trips on the steps up to the bridge, knocking Reinhold, Maolmhuire and Rasvyn. The latter two fall from the edge, until Rasvyn casts fly to save them both.
Dramos returns to his normal teifling form. He notes that there is commotion because the players are rising up towards their settlement. Dramos just approaches and leans on the rail casually. The people are talking about "people returning". Realising Dramos is there, the other man calls "ALARM". They scream wizard when Rasvyn appears, pulling weapons.
A large figure, human and still draped in furs, with a thick beard and hair appears. He assumes the group is from Var Kartark's party with new goods. He introduces himself as Zalas, head of the community. They haven't seen a wizard for a while. He offers food and water. He asks everyones names in the adventuring group and introduces a number of people from their group. They seem especially taken aback by Corym's divine powers.
Malmas, clean shaven, with long blond hair and a light tunic and skirt runs over to aid Reinhold.
They have no inn, but Zalas offers us a space in his house. The man talks about a woman in the hills with a house that has legs - a babayaga. They are not friends with her though.
They seems uncomfortable with talk of Dariss and Altibo.
Reinhold spots that a number of the villagers are unhappy with the situation and Zalas trying to smooth over the situation. All of the weapons they carry are extremely high quality. They have engraving and detailing on them, far higher quality than the clothing they bare. Some of them are wearing hidden amulets.
These people were nomads before Zalas gave them this life. When they moved around, they had holy people but they were taken, alongside their shaman who went with Morthel. Zalas tries to distract the private conversations with the fishermen, but is then threatening when Reinhold says he would like to talk to Voice on his own.
Ororad is very sick, a sickness has come to him and he's been bed ridden for a couple of weeks.
Voice asks Reinholt to tell Zalas that he was useful.
Harbinger tells Altibo not to startle the people, but he extends his wings and shows himself off.
Rasvyn sees a couple of boats moored in a dock.