Vampires - Sanguine Dynasties

From Into the Wilds Wiki

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This book explores the ruling houses of vampires in Brindle.
It talks about how the vampire gain power, their influence and presence spreading quickly throughout the country. The population of Brindle fell into slavery as the people were turned into cattle to feed their undead masters.
No one was really sure who birthed the original vampire who introduced the houses. But, the book suggests that, for every vampire turned, it makes the creator vampire up more powerful.
When the Helvettian’s arrived, they went for the heads of each vampire clan to thin them out. If you kill the top vampire it can release some of the lower vampires. These powerful creatures could heal rapidly. They could change the thoughts of others. They could make you enjoy being fed upon. They could modify memory. The most powerful vampires we're even invulnerable to sun.
Legend says that the first vampire was made during the reign of Tempress, when she was still in the heavens.
The book even suggests that, if They haven't embraced their masters, then Garr may allow the soul to be returned to the vessel.