Reptiles Wanted - Reptile Dysfunction

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Tom's Code: -29.54sq
The goblin shaman casts a lightening spell, knocking down Xiuh and Resk. Then goblins attacked the downed lizards. Scar-Burak heals Xiuh and Xiuh uses Stick-Rick to heal Resk.
During the combat, the licky lizards swallows one of the eggs, leaving twelve, even as Ato tells him not too.
When the shaman is killed, the rest of the goblins begin running.
When Jux tries to remove the egg from the lizard's neck, it breaks. But, Ato puts a rope leash around his neck.
Gonk takes the staff from the shaman. Xuih talks to Stick-Rick, who is trying to convince the druid to drop him off at the closest human settlement. They touch the two sticks together.
It's the Staff of the Dying Goat. It makes meat bad to eat.
The group drags the sleeping goblin with them and takes a short rest.
Ato tries to train Jub Jub, the licky lizard.
They decide to question the goblin. Stick-Rick can't speak goblin, but he can translate whilst in stick form. They ask him some stupid questions, but also information about the goblin village. The goblin claims that his family has been cursed to be bad meat. The goblins all live in a big walled city, they are scared of the dead people and the beast elves.
The beast elves are like werewolves, they change into wolves at certain times. THey don't know where they lvie but they have tried to attack their town several times. The elves have painted faces.
The group plans on moving stealthily back to Shresh.
Xius has four eggs in a bag, as does Gonk. Bonk has two and Resk has two.
There is a brightly feathered bird in the canopy above, it has brightly coloured wings. It copies the words we say. Ato tries to fire at it, but it flies away.
Ato entrusts Skar-Burak with Jub Jub, and the lizard loves being scratched by the cleric.
It starts to rain, but Gonk uses his weather frog to lighten the weather to a drizzle. The plains have flooded, streams bursting their banks.
The group are forced to free the goblin, then Resk kicks him into the water.
The lizards surround him and swim.
Licky Lizard swims easily, or floats, eyes above the water.
Emerging on the other side, the group notice there are leeches all over them. They suck the spell slots out of people and do loads of damage as the hooked protrusions are removed from their mouths.
Gong collects up some of the removed leeches in a water skin.
The group runs into the night. They will make it to the camp the next day. They find a hollow to rest, but Bonk sees the ground wobble. Its a sink hole of some description, which the party moves around, using it as a trap ahead of their camp. They long rest.
In the morning, they run again. There are many trees which have fallen in the rainfall. The group pauses before the village, about a mile away. A huge area has been swept away, with one tree in the centre of the clearing with a group of nestled roots that surround a small stone structure.
Six humanoids kneel around the tree, each wrapped in cloth that is drenched in mud. A vine protrudes from their mouths that extends into the tree. The tree appears healthy. Xiuh asks Stick-Rick about it. He encourages them to leave the humans.
The group reaches the village. There are three Scal-ess boats tied up. There are three armoured figures moving amongst the village.
They go back into the jungle to find Shresh. Shresh is impressed by the return of the clutch and the finding of Nep-Tor. But, he wants to test whether we are cursed.
Shresh is pleased with the goblin, he wants to eat the brain to get all his knowledge for a spell.
Shresh has been watching the camp. They want to currupt, take away out closeness to the gods. Chief Guk speaks with Scal-ess.
Shresh makes a point of saying that Xiuh is smart, but not as smart as the shaman. Shresh drops a hint that he wants to be leader, but admits that Resk will be. He claims that Resk will have a test if he wants to become a shaman.
Shresh wants to make Guk look weak, then keep him alive and take the information from his brain. Then, they would know what has been happening.
The Scal-ess watches at night and uses powerful magic. They take the boat out at night. One of them summons great power from the earth and uses it to impress Guk.
As soon as Resk takes his place as tribe leader, he must be prepared to be challenged. SO, he must be smart and remain strong for after facing Guk.
Xiuh informs Shresh about the Scal-ess tree. Gonk tells him about the leeches.
Guk is being guarded by two of his own riding large sabre-tooth tigers. The Scal-ess have been offering sacks of something to Guk, who is happily taking them. Two sacks are taken into Guk's own hut.
The Scal-ess return to the boats, making a camp fire by the side.
They form a plan -
- The group will wait two hours until nightfall.
- The lizards swim in with pass without a trace, hiding and watching the Scal-ess on their boats.
- Jux and Ato will sneak in and apply the leeches to the magic user.
- Xiuh set fire to the boats, the group will cut the ropes and then systematically drag them down under the water and drown the Scal-ess.
-Shresh will make a subtle poison overnight.
-The group will then sneak in and poison Guk.
-Resk then challenge Guk - he must be kept alive though.