
From Into the Wilds Wiki

The presence of Poison within a target will induce weakness and potentially become life threatening. Poisons can be contracted through a range of sources, bites, blades, Components and Potions. Poison is an indefinite ailment that effects a target, unless otherwise indicated. If you are Poisoned, you will be given a Poison Effect Card – You should seek a ref immediately. Poisons vary considerably, and these variations may be indicated by a ref.

Basic Poison Effects
Rank Effect
1-3 Your maximum Body Points are reduced by 1 Body Point (to a minimum of 1). You can’t make any Physical special attacks.
4-6 Body Points are reduced by 2 Body Points (to a minimum of 2). You can’t make any Physical special attacks. You can’t use any Strength based skills. Your resist all effects at one Rank lower than your character Level (to a minimum of 1).
7-8 You are reduced to 1 Body Point. You can’t use any Strength based skills. Your resist all effects at one Rank lower than your character Level (to a minimum of 1). You can only walk. You can’t cast spells or fight.
9 You enter the Death Count.


If you become Poisoned, you should roleplay the relevant effects. Your character is weakened, and your character will be unaware of the specifics, even if out-of-character you know the effects. Your character may be aware that you have a Poison but only the Diagnose Wounds and Disease skill will Discern the true effects.

Poison Progression

  • Next Sunrise
Every morning your Poison progresses 1 Rank.
  • Poisoned Again
If you are Poisoned again, your current Poison Rank progresses by 1 Rank.

Purging Poison

You need this skill to know the condition of a patient. This skill will allow you to identify the Rank of the Poison that needs treating.
Rank 3 of the Medic skill allows you to bring the Rank of the Poison down.
Certain potions and elixirs can remove Poison.