Piety Path - Fate

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Piety Paths

Earning and Losing Piety

To follow Fate is to accept that we are all heading towards an inevitable conclusion, and embrace the part you play in this grand plan.

You honour Fate when you perform acts such as:

  • Ensuring a prophecy is fulfilled.
  • Stating you will achieve something and then achieving that thing, no matter the consequences.
  • Promoting Fate as the ruler of the gods.

Your piety level decreases if you commit acts such as:

  • Undoing a punishment or curse suffered by another creature.
  • Assisting a creature undermining the natural order or exploiting destiny.
  • Breaking an explicit oath or promise.

Piety 3+ : Votary of Fate

You can cast Command a number of times per day, equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Piety 10+: Devotee of Fate

You can cast Clairvoyance without any of the material costs required for the spell, once per long rest. Wisdom is the ability modifier used for casting this spell.

Piety 25+: Destiny’s Disciple

You cannot be surprised, providing you’re not incapacitated.

Piety 50+: Champion of Destiny

You can increase your Strength or Wisdom score by 2.