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The Myste-Hass Calender

09/09/21 - 16/09/21 - 02/11/21 - 11/11/21

Father Howell gathers a group of adventurers to head into the swamp and scout out the Scal-Ess tribe. However, whilst trying to procure rations, Jerek ends up playing dice with the Helvettian guard, Polstiss, winning food and potions. The group then follows the river south and walks across the water. On the other side, they see a couple of tents freshly occupied by an ogre and a cyclops. Moving inland, they encounter the settlement. Back at the tower, Olive seeks a cure for her bite. Engaro sends her out with a guide to seek a selection of ingredients in order to produce a balm which will help. Whilst picking flowers, she is attacked and passes out. She awakes inside a hut, badly hurt and discovers herself in the settlement with the others. Talk with the villagers indicates there is a temple across the sands. Jerek and Engaro head out across the open plains when a chimera makes for them. Many fall under the creature during the fierce battle, before Duke shoots the beast down. Returning to the town, the group settles down for a long rest and Imogen speaks to Father Howell. In the morning, Duke notices that many of the people are doing menial, fake tasks. Howell touches a man’s arm and discovers he has a fake image disguising wasting arms. Sylleth’s detect magic, aided by his book, allows him to discern a necromantic aura that hangs on everyone in the village. The party votes to return to the temple. Inside Duke opens a sarcophagus releasing a creature which seeks to take his heart. Further explorations reveal a room with a large sarcophagus and a sphynx. A female voice is heard from a woman who claims to be Kira. ‘The Divine’ claims he can return her for the price of the book that Sylleth carries. A man emerges from the back of the room, raising undead creatures from the skeleton bones around him. As the fight ensues, it is revealed the man is the crab fisherman from the settlement. Jerek meddles with the sarcophagus in another room. A vampire awakes and drains him and Walchard before the others can intervene. A woman apperates in the resurrection chamber, claiming that the crab man made poor decisions because of grief. She, Revios, will allow us to leave for removing that man. She asks us to transport a necklace to a city in the mountains. The group set a pyre for those who had been in the settlement, and rest, lighting the funeral fires before light and then set of back to the Tower of Dariss. As the adventurers leave, smoke from further east can be seen rising.