Harbinger of Fate

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A Harbinger of Fate is a paladin devoted to the god of prophecy, Fate. These individuals are typically devout worshipers who travel the lands governing over faith in certain areas and raising awareness for their god.
Harbingers usually answer to a bishop, which ranks higher within the church.
Harbingers are generally heavily armoured warriors, who use swords and shields. They are also distinguished by their bright yellow and purple cloaks.
Another defining feature of these fanatical worshipers is their ability to speak directly with their god. Unlike worshipers of other deities, nearly all Harbingers claim to have the ability to commune with Fate directly.

Notable Harbingers

  • Harbinger, now the Harbinger of the People, was formerly a Harbinger of Fate. She travelled from Kahzara to the lands of Myste-Hass with a small number of clergy to set up a temple in devotion to the God of Prophecy. However, her adventures illustrated that many fate worshipers were prepared to maim and kill in the name of their god. Eventually confrontation with a demon, Skaeon, illustrated that Fate intended to use her in some scheme to make the beast an Avatar. Her and other prominent adventures found The Bishop of Fate, who had been occupying Myste-Hass, using a Genai Stone to open a gate to Anglan. The intention of such a ritual wasn't entirely made clear, but part of the plan was to facilitate Skaeon's desire to become an avatar. Harbinger thrust her own blade into her chest, charging the Genai Stone with blood and disrupting the ritual, whilst the others killed the bishop.
The priest of Dariss, Corym, brought Harbinger back from death. Soon she broke her oath from Fate, devoting herself anew to Dariss. She repurposed the Temple of Fate into a Temple of the People which provides for the destitute and needy, whilst raising awareness for the six primary deities - not including Fate.