Murder Squad - Ends Beginning

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Tom's Code - 290010
Three days earlier, Corym and Reinholt returned to the Tower of Dariss to find the building returned to its original glory.
A stonesmith tries to claim that he completed the work with his team.
The room with the pentagram is still sealed up. The crenellations are back. The staircase outside is restored as well.
Nia has been left in charge of the Tower of Dariss in Lorey's absence.
The priests seek out Tyloot, the site manager who is doing the structural checks. Reinholt informs the man that they are aware that God did the work, and there are a great number of materials left in the courtyard.
Reinholt gets out Ankhelos's middle finger then casts zone of truth on Tyloot. Reinholt threatens that the man is taking money from the lord of war. Tyloot admits he's been putting aside a little stone from every cart he gets from the quarry and building a house near the eastern cliffs for retirement.
In exchange for forgiveness, [{Reinholt]] wants ten-thousand gold and the materials refunded. But, Corym asks for a quotation on a small settlement to be built at the base of the tower.
The Genai stone cave below is just dead stones.
That night, Corym uses remove curse in an attempt to remove the Scorpion armour that Corym had adorned.

The armour still hurt Corym deeply removing it and he uses legend lore to discover the curses afflicting it. If a creature dies whilst wearing it, they become like the skull creature the murder squad fought. Corym returns the armour sealed in a chest in the basement of the Tower of Dariss.

Back in the present, Corym looks out the window of his room and watches the setting sun. The light suddenly winks out, night arriving instantly, seeing a black circle has moved over the sun. A full eclipse darkens the land, accept for an unsusual glow that simmers in the distance - lightening shoots out. A huge rock flies across the sky and hits the Tower of Dariss knocking it over.
He wakes in his bed. The light winks out. A black disc slides across the sun. He casts death ward on himself and dashes to the top of the tower. Lightening splatters across the sky.
In the distance, light beams down directly over Myste-Hass.
Meanwhile, a priest of Fate comes out into the centre of Wolfspine, Natgarth, Equil, Helvettia, Dalcimeer - in every major city of the world.
But, only in Myste-Hass, where one priest has been silenced, that Fate directly intervenes.
Now, I have watched. I ahve prepared you all. Plans upon plans, manouevouring towards inevitable conclusions.
Some run, but Fate stops them and speaks out -
"Understand, I am grateful, for my allies here, that have so manoeuvred me into this position, especially my Harbinger, Gartok, Dramos, Rasvyn, Maolmhuire, Corym and Reinholt you have all seen these heroes that represent my will.
You are now saved. I have levelled the playing field. No longer will you bow to distant gods, you will be nurtured by disciples and heroes. I am here to save you. When you look to the heavens and ask for other gods, you will find no one but me. I wear the face of all gods. Every wish you have flows through me. Now, my disciples deserve your praise."
The priest drops back to the gallows.
Harbinger hears in her head - "Harbinger too long have you wandered aimlessly. I give you this last chance."