Warehouse 49 - Carrion Blades - Loyalty

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Pic and Belmach arrive at the docks. Pic is asked by a shipmaster to prove his skill at sewing a sail, but he doesn't get the job because he doesn't want to be off the land for more than two days.
A roughen guard approaches them as they make their way into the merchants area of the town. He says they are guards who are being paid to keep an eye on people.
They move off towards a gate. There are two orcs in a uniform on the wall. The orcs eventually suggest they head to the Moon and Stars Inn.
The group hassle Lazarus for some fruit, and he angrily makes some terrible porridge.
Pic and Cloudy try to make a new "Workers Wanted" for the Moon and Stars Inn. Cloudy offers himself as a cleaner.
Pic and Belmach are left in charge of the Moon and Stars Inn, Cloudy whistling away whilst he cleans.
Belmach drinks a shot of Phoenix Spirit and starts choking. He goes for a lie down. Three sailors come in and ask for an ale, then food.
At the Warehouse, the group speaks with the goblin, Unclax, who says he sees a lot of stuff through windows. Lahoto only wants to see Castiel. Lazarus and Harmony have to wait, watching heavy arms, ballista and crossbows being unloaded from carts.
Big Al's knuckles are bruised from recent use.
Castiel speaks with Lahoto. The magical orb is identified as a focus that will enhance power (+1 to spellcasting).
Lahoto makes it clear that we haven't been doing what is needed in the element of causing issues with the militia. He knows about the death of the militia guard and the fellow adventurer Bobby Big Eyes. So, he asks if the adventurers are still up to the task.
Instead, he offers a new job in the form of removing a noble. Claud is a nobleman who owes significant debt. He lives in the fifth house in the noble quarters with a bright red door. He sells specialised antique items. He has forty guards, who do seem loyal to him, but are paid. Lahoto suggests that the deed is done outside the city. The items need returning. Claud likes to go on walks along the coast - its a prime place for accidents.
Lahoto says that if were succesful, then half the debt will be paid.
Lahoto pays Castiel for the brain of physionic prowess in the form of the illithid's severed head.
Pic finds some other bottles hasitly hidden beneath the bar - Traffic Stop, Beholder, Dragon Milk and Ellysiam.
In the hour the others have gone, Pic makes a sky right that says drinks as much as one copper. They charge one silver for a three silver drink, and that elaves the establishment out of one-hundred and seventy gold of product debt.
Castiel and Harmony say that Pic and Belmach have to work for the owners of the Moon & Stars Inn until their debt is paid off.