Snak Hut

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Father Howell receives a troubling letter about Geoffrey from Quinn. He reads the letter and then sets about making the Sublime Scones from his Holy Dough cookbook.
Quinn looks around the Temple of Alaie at food vendors. He talks to a liquor salesman, selling a clear liquid called Death Wish and the softer Glow Fire.
Quinn then buys all the cabbage from a cabbage vendor to be spread around the people of Myste-Hass, but a single man takes all the cabbage.
Pic collects a bunch of materials from around town and then commissions a gilded acorn from Perfect Glass, which is due to be collected the next day.
Crassus goes to see Goraz about the weather bowl he has. He speaks with Andro who says he is a council member. Andro mentions that Goraz has a meeting with the Hall Master about an issue with a construction project. Sten storms out of the meeting, allowing Crassus Hlaalu his turn.
Goraz has heard a lot about the expedition the group went on a while back.
Crassus Hlaalu returns the bowl and Goraz says that he has a firm grip on the issues at the lighthouse now. He has no more leads on what happened to the old lighthouse keeper. He is very glad that the artifact has been returned though. Crassus indicates his next intentions to deal with the Ship Graveyard and then the Eruption. Goraz asked to be informed immediately in order to deal with requisitions.
Crassus mentions the threat of a large number of orc clans descending from the mountains. Goraz doesn't seem concerned, claiming the Helvettians will be able to defend the town with ease.
Evandrielle is behind the counter when Kishaan heads to Offensive Defence. She fits him up with a scabbard and asks her to deliver it when the work is completed.
Kihaan then heads to Lotion and Libation to see Yanif. He enquires about his blood. Yanif has healed well.
Yanif says that he has a meeting with Engaro setup to see if anything can be done about his hand, which Yanif thinks is very generous because Engaro produces a competing healing potion.