Temple of Dariss

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The Temple of Dariss in Myste-Hass was located just off the Market Place, near The Arena.
The large stone building had a large sand pit where worshipers and clerics would fight to honour their god, Dariss. Beyond this sand pit, there were pews and a stone alter engraved with the symbol of Dariss. The arched roof was suspended on large columns that ran along the length of the building, with several white-stone statues depicting famous warriors and armoured figures.
The Temple of Dariss suffered at the hands of Fate. The God of Prophecy inhabited the body of Lorey and statues, using them to fight adventurers and killing the head priest, Draekenthul.
Eventually, the adventurers discovered a number of large, drained, purple Genai Stones had been hidden beneath the sands in order to corrupt the temple. Tendrils ran through the ground up to the alter.
Eventually, Corym and Reinhold dismantled the building, brick by brick, to prevent further influence of Fate. The clerics and worship of Dariss was then moved out into the plains north of Myste-Hass, to the newly renovated Tower of Dariss.

Harbinger's Notes

During the time Fate had desecrated the Temple of Dariss, he possessed Lorey and Draekenthul at different times. Draekenthul actually used the iconic words "I decide who lives and dies."
Before death, Draekenthul asked Harbinger if she was willing to commit those beneath her to war. He was going away for two weeks, studying the ruins on islands south of Myste-Hass. But, he intended to be back sooner this time, because he was suspicious of the activities of fatists in the town.
During the fight with Fate, a man appeared to Rasvyn, a 12ft tall white rippling figure, robed with a hammer. Harbinger hit Fate. She asked for the guidance of Dariss and he guided her hand to hit Fate. He bled.
Morthel also came to the temple, telling Lorey that he was there to test him.
An amulet found on the crashed Helvettian ship was kept in the vault of Temple of Dariss. This amulet bewitched Evandirelle when she tried to identify it.