Bertilac de Hautdesert

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  • Name: Bertilac de Hautdesert
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 32
  • Homeland: Myste-Hass
  • Profession: Priest of Alaie
A young initiate with the Temple of Alaie, Bertilac was sent out amongst the farmsteads surrounding Myste-Hass to work alongside the people and spread the Light of Alaie. While abroad to the south of the Northern woods, the invasion of Myste-Hass threw his world in to chaos.
Sheltered by the farm owner Tulman Yinis, a doughy man with a large family, Bertilac helped to keep the encroaching hobgoblins at bay while aiding other farmers burned from their homes in the surrounding area. After the town was retaken, Bertilac spent several months helping to rebuild the farms and their holdings, toiling in the fields alongside the others to reinstate the land.
Time came however that he must once more return to the claustrophobic streets of Myste-Hass. On his return to the Temple, Bertilac took his oath as a paladin in order to head back out in to the world to help others and continue to spread and protect Her Light.