Canis' Soul

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The Myste-Hass Calender

25/08/20 - 27/08/20

In town, the adventurers set about locating the donkey, Thunder. Leading him out of town, the group discover he is under a true polymorph spell. With the aid of Bern’s magic, the group procure the Storm Skimmer Necklace from the powerful alternate form of Thunder, the Storm Rider. Bern then transports the party into the axe where they’re immediately assailed by deadly spirits. Defeating these creatures with extreme difficulty, the party moves on quickly toward the tower. Entering some nearby caves, the group press on through waves of fluorescent spiders. Deep in the cavernous complex, the adventurers meet with a drow, Kush-aar. He leads the group into the tower and then they face a whirling watcher as Morthel observes from the sky. In order to destroy the watcher and release the souls, Dramos and Harbinger are forced to kill Kush-aar. The group are returned to Bern’s hut, but she is nowhere to be seen.