Here & There Again

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Offir gathers a company of explorers - Bert, Bertilac, Lycidias, Orvine, Novos and Randy. The group wants to circumnavigate the lands surrounding Myste-Hass.
A white robed individual, Readius Lentulis Boro acts on behalf of the Council of Myste-Hass. Jodocus the cartographer is joining the group. He was originally from Equil. Also, Sitis, a carrier falcon that will carry notifications back and forth from the city every evening to update the Council of Myste-Hass of their journey.
Arnet is a skilled ranger. Hubey and Huey Gill are good at making the most out of whatever is scavenged. Benger and Terrouin are general hands to assist with moving of goods. Bat comes as a deal with Benger, great at the heavy lifting. He's a half orc who doesn't speak.
Lucidias is a wood elf with a greenish complexion, garbed typically for a ranger with a bow, and accompanied by a pet wolf, Long Shadow.
Orvine has dark red skin, a tiefling with dark purple eyes and an emo fringe. He's not particularly intelligent.
Novos is a half-elven wizard, with dark auburn hair, a dark green robe, a staff and the slightest stubble.
Randy is a wood elf and a cleric. He is a very young individual, with green hair and loose clothing. He has shining armour beneath his clothing. He appears to be a little vain. He's for all the gods.
Bertilac looks glorious in a rustic way. He has dark, short-cropped hair, with a bit of a beard. He is tanned with chain, a green tabard.
Bert has one ice-blue eye, one open green eye and a set of dungarees of his leather armour. His corn blond hair pulled over his forehead.
The carts roll along through the wilderness, then something dives towards the carts. A griffon drops from the sky. There is another hidden rock nearby.
Bert and Bertilac try to convince the griffons to move on, helping the injured griffon and charming the other.
The group settles to rest near the river at the edge of the swamp, where Hubey and Huey are cooking up some griffon eggs with red peppers.
The group decides to rest, sending Arnet off to scout.
Novos summons his chipmunk familiar as a scouting animal.
Lucidias scouts the area for useful herbs, finding some flat-brimmed mushrooms.
Offir sends a message back with Sitis that says - "encountered griffons, aided them, not killed them. Got as far as the boundary of the swamps east of Myste-Hass." Sitis is a stiff backed bird, with a look of permanent disgust on his birdy face.
The group plays dice, organises watches and sleeps.