Here & There Again

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Offir gathers a company of explorers - Bert, Bertilac, Lycidias, Orvine, Novos and Randy. The group wants to circumnavigate the lands surrounding Myste-Hass.
A white robed individual, Readius Lentulis Boro acts on behalf of the Council of Myste-Hass. Jodocus the cartographer is joining the group. Also, Sitis, a carrier bird that will carry notifications back and forth from the city every evening to update the Council of Myste-Hass of their journey.
The carts roll along through the wilderness, then something dives towards the carts. A griffon drops from the sky. There is another hidden rock nearby.
Bert and Bertilac try to convince the griffons to move on, helping the injured giffon and charming the other.