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Starfinder is a Tiefling Wizard of unknown origin. They have purple skin, black hair tied at the back, and are often seen wearing a white shirt with a grey overcoat vest. They are known for being a tarot/fortune reader, forgoing a traditional spellbook in favour of a set of Tarot Cards. They are played by Xander.

A digital portrait of Starfinder holding 2 tarot cards: "The Hanged Man" and "The Moon".
Name Race Level/Class Hometown Status
Starfinder (They/Them) Tiefling 3 Wizard (Divination) Unknown (Traveller) Alive in Myste-Hass

History of Starfinder

Before Myste-Hass

Starfinder spent most of their early life as a traveller, picking up arcana and fortune on their travels. Wherever they ended up, Starfinder often observed goings on rather than get involved, believing Sardonyx's teachings to "never rig the scales, and force a conclusion"; only getting involved when in danger, or to prove a point.

Before arriving in Myste-Hass, Starfinder had a brief encounter in The Wildwood/Dream World of which they remember little, except for a large black Obelisk and a hollow tree.

Observing the Council

Upon arriving at the Southern Docks in Myste-Hass, Starfinder began shadowing Harbinger, Dramos, and several members of the new Council of Myste-Hass to see how they treated the town. They observed the council members commit several questionable acts, such as threatening townsfolk, bribery, corporate espionage, and a general mistrust of townsfolk who were trying to cooperate, leading to a general feeling of fear towards the council members. Starfinder deployed a similar fearful tactic when talking to fishermen in The Dregs to get information. Some believed Morthel still lived in the elven quarter, and that there was a furry creature in the sewers.

Upon reaching the council's building, Starfinder put out a plea to the council members to think about how they presented themselves to the townsfolk, then was swiftly mauled by a large werewolf. They were saved by the very people they just lectured at, and was later cleared of lycanthropy by Engaro.

Starfinder also assisted a team in investigating a creature in the sewers below Myste-Hass, which contained several tentacle monsters, an invisible spider and many crates of drugs.

Spells and their Cards

Starfinder's cards are all handmade, and carry their arcane learnings. For example, when creating The "High Priestess" card, they inscribed the sigils for the spell "Find Familiar", giving form to their familiar of the same name. As their abilities grow, they will remake cards with their new arcane knowledge. The following are the known association between spells and cards.

Card Name/No. Spell
#0 - The Fool Cause Fear (L1)
#2 - The High Priestess Find Familiar (L1)
#8 - Strength Mage Armour (L1)
#12 - The Hanged Man Rope Trick (L2)
#18 - The Moon Sleep (L1)


  • Starfinder was created by the player's brother, who knows nothing about, nor has played, D&D.
  • The name 'Starfinder' was inspired by the Vincent Van Gogh painting 'The Starry Night'. As such, their miniature features elements similar to the painting.