
From Into the Wilds Wiki

Cao "The Hurricane" Darient

Cao is a moody air genassi that wears no armour just a dress covered in bells. He is a finesse fighter that rose to fame battling in the The Arena unther the name "The Hurricane". It is in the Arena he first encountered the champion Klay. Although unable to defeat Klay single handed, it soon emerged Klay was a Wrong 'un and so it became the Hurricanes mission to kill him. However even after his death, Klay was returned to the Arena in an undead form. This undead form was once again killed by the Hurricane.
The Hurricane became a regular fixture in the Arena and soon attracted the Attention of Hamias an evil gennassi who as a lanister allowed him to plot against the town of Myste Hass. Hamias conspired to trap the Cao in a lamp and take his Heart, which is a powerful item called a Wish Stone however Hamias was defeated.
Cao's heart (Wish Stone) was taken by Morthel during the Sack of Myste-Hass. Cao was sucked into a dimensional flask, and considered dead.
During the Battle to reclaim Myste-Hass the Hurricane was set free, and reclaimed the Wish Stone. and fought with the group who killed Morthel.

Arena Debut

If somebody ever offers you three wishes... don’t take them, forget it and walk away. Nothing good ever came from wishes. My father the great Djinn Zhu, offered me, his own son Cao, three wishes for my coming of age, and I regret each and every one.
When I told my story to the great north wind, he laughed so hard, he blew me all the way to this forsaken land, and now here I am in Myste Hasse.
I found some help amongst the jeering locals who suggested a Demi god could prove his worth in the fighting arena by becoming a champion. I was directed to the Hung goat where I acquired an entourage to witness my ascendancy. There were two halflings, two humans, one gnome, and a strange elf cleric.
Arriving at the newly built amphitheatre, the head man Vorgus challenged my group to a display of combat prowess. Before I could start however I needed a fighting name, and nothing could be more perfect for one who has the blessings of the four winds, than “the Hurricane”. Of course, I hid my true power whilst fighting a Halfling in the arena. As I understand the drama of the arena, where crowd favourites put on a good show, and don’t immediately crush their opponents.
After the show, I decided I would join the ranks of The Arena champions, such as Relamond the Deliverer, and Raineith the Blind. So I scheduled my debut appearance in the arena for that evening. Attracting the attention of the Arena boss Gallum, his friend Balas and a third unidentified but gluttonous man. My entourage and I were asked to do a couple of favours for Gallum.
The first favour was to collect two crates from the nearby docks. An easy task for our group except that we were ambushed by some leery locals, who had a note tipping them off to the delivery. I generously decided to divert their attentions and allowed my entourage to actually take out these ruffians. It was at this moment one of the halflings in a group disappeared and to dress up for a carnival appearance?
The second favour was a spying mission on Gallum rival, Var Kartark, who has a secret fighter locked up in storage near the docks. Gallum asked us to find out more information on the identity of the fighter, but unfortunately doing this clashed with my arena debut…
The gnome Pike acted as my Herald as I entered into the arena to take on a mighty opponent “The Butcher”. I know Gallum likes a spectacle in the arena, but I held off on using my “secret power”, saving it for another fight and a better opportunity to showboat. I took the measure of my opponent allowing him some early swings, but I soon grew bored of his feeble attempts and cut him down in a series of swift blows using my “blessings of the Four Winds”.
I left The Arena victorious, and I will return again soon..

Arena Debut

The shade is cool. It is late in the year but as the Hurricane looks out from the shelter in the stalls the sun beats down upon the arena sand. Two gladiators swing and hack at each other, their swords banging against each other’s shields. No finesse, no style, just aggression. Cao “the Hurricane” is next. He knows Klay is waiting and despite his outward bravado he feels cold in the pit of his stomach. He reaches down to wrap his hand around his rapier and draw it almost silently from its scabbard. He holds it before his face and in horror, watches it disintegrate.
The light from outside grows brighter, almost blinding. Forced to hold his hand to his face to block out the light. When he looks again he stands in an ornate mansion, Klay the Helvetian lies on a chaise-lounge. Half naked nubile attendants bring wine, exotic fruits and all manner of luxuries to him.
“How should a champion live Cao?” The voice of the bronzed Helvetian sounds welcoming
“A champion lives for glory. A champion should be adored. A champion lives life on the edge, spurred by the roar of the crowd and is rewarded with every luxury in this life and the next” replies the Hurricane assuredly.
“and how should a champion die?” the question has more emphasis but Klay’s voice sounds fatherly
“A champion dies in the arena. A worthy death, by a worthy opponent” this time the Hurricanes reply seems unsure.
A flash of light and the Hurricane is carrying Klay's broken body through the town. The two swords of the fallen champion tucked into his skirt. The crowd are cheering the Hurricane and booing the disgraced fallen champion. “Were you a worthy opponent Cao?” Klay whispers through blood stained lips.
Soon they are standing in Sten's private chambers. The goliath Gartok Beartooth, and the elf Itztli, tower over a crumpled Klay. As Sten and a finely robed man watch, they deal killing blows to the arena champion and he falls to the ground dead, eyes open, his gaze fixed on the Hurricane “Is this how a champion dies Cao?”. Sten laughs, the robed man looks shocked and angry.
Another flash of light and the Hurricane is once again at Klay’s mansion. Klay stands naked punching a tied up female, her naked skin covered in bruises and cuts, she is unconscious. Klay turns to the Hurricane “You can finish her off if you like?” he sneers, “maybe your friends can hold her down for you”.
The bard Florenzo enters, he is dressed in a disguise, but Cao recognises his new friend. The bard looks shocked, he says something inaudible and Klay bursts into uncontrollable laughter.
The tied up victim changes.. it’s the monk Lei Wong. Klay is stabbing him with two short swords, each one dealing a mortal blow. But the monk lifts his head after each strike and beckons Klay to strike again.
Another flash of light, now Klay is the one tied up and the Hurricane is stabbing him. On the floor is a dead man, it is Lei Wong…
Galum appears with Gartok & Canis, they are carrying bags of money. Reinhold & Itzali are kneeling despondent over Lei Wong's body. Florenzo bursts into song “The Hurricane is the new champion” he sings. The Hurricane is still punching the tied up victim, but it’s not Klay.. it’s the unconscious woman. He stops, drops to the floor and cries out in shame.
The shade is cool. The Hurricane looks out from the shelter in the stalls as the sun beats down upon the arena sand. Two gladiators swing and hack at each other. Cao reaches down to wrap his hands around Klay’s two swords, but he leaves them sheathed in there scabbards. Shoulders hunched and bells silenced, the Hurricane leaves the arena.