D.E.A.D - South Eastern Island

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Revision as of 21:44, 13 September 2022 by (talk) (Created page with "==The Myste-Hass Calender== ===Youtube Recordings=== :Insert Link ===13/09/2022=== :<b>Put the contract on the wiki!</b> :Sylleth leaves Father Howell a note sayin...")
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The Myste-Hass Calender

Youtube Recordings

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Put the contract on the wiki!
Sylleth leaves Father Howell a note saying they need to talk when he returns.
speak with someone about Bear's key.
Sylleth - offers magical services.
Potential of opening up an armoury.
Smokey Rose - Major Ursa. Western Docks.
The adventurer's guild is being rebuilt, but alternative locations are being offered until the refit is completed.
mini gelatinous cleaner.
Everyone signs the document.
Elril holds out his alms box and says the money is for 'the church'.
Quinn whips up a crowd of followers with speak of their adventures, who follows them down to the dock.
Major Ursa is a young sailor, with a bushy beard, and a khazaran tan. Irish accent.
3-4 hours with good conditions.
They take the row boat from the Smokey Rose and into the dunes, to prevent the rising tide from taking the ship.
The skeletons looks as if they've been raised and equipped.
Sylleth uses animated corpses to scout the way ahead.
Its three hours through the dunes, making it around 3pm when they
Brandy Bramble - Quinn does not eat them.
The markings have been actively removed. The fire was set from inside.
Finish the work that my other followers failed to do. Venture deep, and find the item that is rightfully ours. That is your destiny."
Sylleth determines the arcane lights have been working for hundreds of years.
The group splits, some retreating back to the boat and others making a camp in the ruins.