Find Moribund

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Revision as of 11:18, 30 May 2022 by (talk)

The Myste-Hass Calender


An eclectic group of adventurers gather at the Temple of the People to discuss how to find Moribund and where he was taken too. The majority of the group set off to Offensive Defense. Garret and Dramos meet with a contact, Felinore, in the lower areas of the town who informs them of a house which was somehow involved in the kidnapping of Moribund. The militia have taken a prisoner from the incident who indicates that another group came in and took Moribund before his original captors could return him to Morthel. A scry from Rasvyn indicates Moribund is being drained in a hut somewhere to the north. The party heads north, following a map they find to a degraded hut that hovers over a dangerous precipice. Dramos goes into the building, moving Moribund outside, but a radiant explosion emits from the item Dramos removed from the bottom of the table. Maolmhuire becomes aware that there is a huge white bear high in the mountainside with blue sigils in his fur. Maolmhuire causes an avalanche which chases the charging bear down the mountainside as the group take flight.