Cleaning up the Streets

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Harbinger, Dramos, Gartok, Corym and All Day Bear gather at the Tower of Dariss with many of the survivors keen to return to the ruined streets of Myste-Hass, after the resurrection of Lorey.
Dramos scrys on Andro who is readying to head back to town.
Dramos scrys on Boro and Benadictor, but sees nothing.
Dramos seeks out Sten, he is sitting beneath a tree. He is extremely pessimistic and nostalgic of Milvere. He explains that the reason Myste-Hass was settled was to provide resources for the mainland. He imagines a wall across the Northern Pass, the entire plain converted to farmland and several new harbours. "There are two qualities necessary for a leader - the respect of the people, and the ability to use force and be ruthless when required."