Lorey - The Resurrection

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Arriving back at the Tower of Dariss, the group disperses for the night. Gartok and Harbinger make themselves useful with the people, Corym speaks with the people, indicating that group intends to head back to Myste-Hass in force on the morrow. Reinhold seeks out Engaro and Lorey's body. Crassus heads into the plains looking for components. Percival stealths his way up to the alter room.
A Helvettain soldier mentions that there was an altercation yesterday with a group causing problems, but they were told to leave and then they set of south. The soldier indicates that the Helvettian reinforcements will arrive soon.
In search of a piece of cork, Crassus turns into a crab and crawls up to a campfire, stealing the seal on a bottle of drink.
Reinholt has Gremlin follow Percival as he sneaks up to the alter room. Percival places a hand on his amulet and the alter of Dariss again. He hears the voice again, who claims that he spoke to Garr on his behalf. Garr is unhappy, a soul for a soul is what he wants, and Garr does not like that. Percival offers information on Lorey's resurrection. I went to the temple by the river to watch Lorey and, there were bones all around him, he tires, he will not last long. The voice offers a blessing, extra power in return for souls to be delivered. Bring a part of the body, or the whole body, with the amulet to place of worship. If I give you this power, it is permanent, you deliver souls to me until you die but you will longer and gain great strength and prowess in combat. Your enemies will fear you when they see you. The voice names himself as Verru. If he loses the amulet, the voice will come for him. Percival accepts to the deal.
Corym arrives at Engaro's tent, and Engaro seems startled. He claims that he is feeling very close to Imogen. Engaro claims Lorey fights so hard because he is somewhat unfulfilled.
Dramos cannot find the diamond merchant from Perfect Glass.