Return to the Tower

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


A group of heroes return to the centre of the North Woods and enter the Tower of Silma again. Inside they ascend, delayed by traps and magical contraptions. They make their way to the top, where they are attacked by hellhounds which explode when killed. Reaching the final floor, they discover a crystalline creature who attempts to kill the party. After facing this individual, they notice a cracked Genai Stone that is emanating the thrum penetrating through the tower. Gartok uses his own blood to heal the stone. However, the plan backfires, opening a portal to another plane and infecting his own flesh with Genai magic.


Corym, Reinholt, Gartok, Dramos, Harbinger and Altibo all head towards the Tower of Dariss, fully rested after the ordeal in the town. Lots of the surrounding area is trampled by lots of foot traffic, and filled with dead animals who have been run down or killed by magic.
Before the well on Myloch's Way, the group encounter a wooden palisade built by hobgoblins. Inside there are lots of dead Helvettians and some hobgoblins. It looks as though the Helvettians were defending the hobgoblin fortress when it was attacked. The dead looks as if they were killed by sword and axe.
The group spends a couple of hours building pyres and burning the Helvettians individually. The hobgoblins are stacked and burnt together.
Returning to the Tower of Dariss, just a single story remains on top of the outcropping of rock.
Approaching the Tower of Dariss, the group see Crassus attempting to talk a Helvettian about precuring some sailors.