Halls of Resurrection

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The Halls of Resurrection appear to be dedicated to Mordon, one of the Twelve Avatars who once ruled the continent where Myste-Hass resides. Mordon is an aspect of Garr, specifically the gateway to The Void.
There are multiple entrances to the Halls of Resurrection. The most obvious is a cave entrance at the southern end of the northern mountain pass, some 15 miles north of Myste-Hass. "Halls of Resurrection" is carved into this entrance in Celestial writing.

Harbinger's Journal

We entered the Hall's of Resurrection through a cave entrance. It appears that the Temple was built as a house of worship for Mordon, one of the twelve avatars that once ruled this land. Those who gave sufficient money to the church would be brought here and resurrected.
This is where the adventurers have faced Ardanath Cross on many occasions. For some reason, the undead paladin's soul keeps returning to the halls and animating or creating a new body for his soul.
The adventurers have also encountered an undead version of Varius within the halls. Varius perished in the first fight with Ardanath, beneath the Tower of Dariss. When meeting with undead Varius, he ran off before the group could get to him.
The symbol of the Blood Hand Tribe is evident in some areas of the Halls of Resurrection.
We faced a host of ghost-like entities, attacking like a tide until we killed their incorporeal leader - Candlestick man.
Given the dangerous nature of this place, a Helvettain encampment was set up to watch the entrance. However, they too were plagued with issues. Quintas was in charge, but was killed by ghoul-like creatures. There was a women with the power to influence minds who had infiltrated the camp. Twenty eight dead Helvettians were found at the camp. A service was performed and they were stacked and burnt.
Assuras took over, but he has not been seen after the Sack of Myste-Hass. The red dragon strafed the Garrison in the Northern Pass, killing many.
Adventurers fought a Crystal Golem which they ran from. This creature amplified radiant energy, blinding the adventurers whenever they attempted to damage him with that kind of magic.
This is the threshold that blocks the path from the realm of undead.
Harbinger saw a statue that looked like the man she saw in her vision in the very first few days she set up home in Myste-Hass. There was an inscription on the plinth below the statue - ‘Three questions for the Lord of Death?’
Two statues of robed figures with skull-like faces.
The adventurers faced a crazy, necrotic man (abyssal ghoul) who drained Wisdom from Corym and Constitution from Reinholt. There were also two whites.
There is library within the halls and investigation revealed a podium with glowing book on top. Rasvyn took this book on funeral rights, which focused on laying people to rest so they do not return.
Eventually, the group found a arcane triangle (enchantment magic) with Susnos and Ardanth Cross (who looked better than ever) suspended, floating above the ground.
Behind them was a throne - the throne of Mordon.
The Temple was constructed for the worship of Mordon, who struck an alliance with Norka. Those who gave sufficient money to the church would be brought here and resurrected.

There was a section about Mordon’s sibling but it was torn out.

The equipment looks like a sacrifice could be strapped in and then used to recharge the body. Three outer circles are where the casters stand, the three inner circles are where the subjects stand. Dramos knew this because he’s seen this in his book from the Bookkeeper of Fate’s home. However,the inner triangles symbols were different.
Susnos - She said that Silma took her and stopped her from dying so that Ardanath Cross was set to always seek her and she could reach no rest.
Mordon is life but in a terrible way - he stops people from reaching Garr.