Operation Pincer

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


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Crassus Hlaalu, Dagur, Gunter, Kahlil, Cpt Percival Wainwright, Stavris, and Ehecatl Skljef; 30 Helvettians, lead by Antonius and the 4 remaining lizard folk, the blackscale Ru'tock and greenscale Pl'otkik amongst their number, took to sea in three salvaged rowboats and a ramshackle raft assembled by the lizardfolk, heading for the Southern Docks of Myste-Hass.
As they progress along the coastline, a siren cries for help, seeking to lead the amphibious assault force astray. After conversing, Cpt Percival Wainwright was charmed by the watery wench but the others managed to resist its charm. Unable to persuade Kahlil to row towards the siren, Cpt Percival Wainwright cast himself in to the sea, compelled to swim towards her, but sinking rapidly due to his heavy armour. The valiant Gunter jumped in to rescue Cpt Percival Wainwright and assisted him back in the boats; and after a brief scuffle, the siren swam away from its escaped prey.
Heading onward to the Southern Docks, the boats rowed through a field of debris. A lone "survivor" was found floating in the rubble. Crassus Hlaalu and Helvetians opted to eliminate the potential risk and shoot the body just to be safe in case it was either a spy or another aquatic creature seeking to lead them astray. Dagur heroically intervened, rescuing the survivor despite protestations from Crassus Hlaalu and Antonius. The survivor claims to be a dockhand named Kenrick, having taken the opportunity to take a small watercraft and flee with a few others and slip past the often drunken guards. The escape was spotted however and put to an end by a patrol galley with a naval ram. Kenrick informs the amphibious assault force of the state of the southern docks, warning them of a number of patrol vessels at large in the Southern Docks, naming a few of the larger vessels. The main ship of note is a larger war ship named Eruption. The Eruption is the vessel from where its captain, Arasmere, manages the southern docks with an iron fist. A number of corpses have been fixed on display to a number of locations on the Eruption's hull, most notably on its prow where they appear to have been crucified.
The amphibious assault force opt to stay on plan, to evade the Eruption and continue to the Western Docks. Gunter and Stavris waterwallk invisibly to the docks and begin planting Gunter's incendiary explosives on ships along the jetties. Stavris successfully planted his first incendiary and headed on to a second ship. Gunter however was discovered as he planted his first, detonating it prematurely to escape. Threatening to detonate all his remaining incendiaries, Gunter persuades his discoverer to swiftly leave in order to preserve their own life. Stavris's second boat is found to be a slave galley, unsure of what to do he heads to leave the galley for the next ship, before he can leave however, it is rocked by an explosion from Gunter's vessel as the remaining explosives detonate and he is thrown clear, smiling with glee at the beauty of the destruction he has orchestrated. Landing on the galley, Gunter frees the slaves from the now burning galley, while Stavris bombs one final ship before both make their escapes by blending in to the crowd in the confusion and heading towards the Western Docks.
Meanwhile, the force remaining on the boats split themselves more widely between the boats, increasing the amount of rowers in order to pick up the pace to make the Western Docks before dawn. Attempting to bear away wide of the Eruption, a lookout shouts in their direction having spotted movement in the darkness. When no answer is given, the lookout moves to float an orb of light over to the amphibious assault force's position. Kahlil swiftly silences the lookout and prevents discovery with a deft eldrich blast, dragging the lookout silently over the rail, the only noise being the inevitable splash in to the sea below. Despite the close call, the boats continue at a measured pace, hoping to remain undetected. A short while later, a small search boat is lowered from the Eruption, a lookout at its prow sweeping the water with a beam of light. Casting entangle, Crassus Hlaalu summons forth a torrent of seaweed from the depths, arching up over the small boat and dragging it down to the depths below. With the threat of pursuit removed, the rowing pace was quickened to a sprint to make better time.
With dawn drawing ever closer, the sun begins to crest the horizon, revealing five wyverns bearing down on the amphibious assault force as they spot them in the early morning light. Diving in the wyverns attack the boats and their crew, sending one of the boats and the raft in to the deep. Amongst a hail of arrows and spells, Dagur, bursting in to a rage, mounts a wyvern and hacks off one of its wings. Ehecatl Skljef summoned a celestial to aid in the combat. As Cpt Percival Wainwright leaps from the sinking boat to another, fending off the wyverns, he is impaled by one's stinger and is killed outright. Once all wyverns were dispatched, Ehecatl Skljef casts revivify on Cpt Percival Wainwright, restoring him to the living.
Casting a glance behind them towards the Southern Docks before pressing on, the Eruption appears to be raising anchor and preparing to pursue and a large looming figure can be seen rising above Myste-Hass

The Myste-Hass Calender


Youtube Recording


In the aftermath of their fight with the five wyverns, Crassus Hlaalu, Dagur, Ehecatl Skljef, Kahlil and Cpt Percival Wainwright; 30 Helvettians and the 4 remaining lizard folk, divide themselves between the two remaining rowboats. 20 of the Helvettians decide to swim towards the lighthouse so as not to overburden the boats and meet them at the docks if they are able. Looking up to the sky before they continue on to the Western Docks, they see the Southern Docks ablaze. The moon looms above the city still, despite the sun having risen. Three large rings materialise between the moon and Myste-Hass, the first of green, the second dark in colour, and the third of something more intangible. Something unseen blasts down through the rings in to the town below. The weather deteriorates from the previous calm and it begins to rain.
Gunter and Stavris independently make their way from the Southern Docks to the Western Docks by heading through Myste-Hass as they perceive this to be the shortest route. Cloaked by the general chaos ensuing in the streets, they make their way towards the western gate.
As the assault team round the lighthouse peninsula and gain sight of the Western Docks, a ship, the Dead Man's Raft, and a number of smaller watercraft can be seen at rest along the jetties. Cpt Percival Wainwright spots a number of humanoid figures patrolling the dockside and standing on the Dead Man's Raft. A trireme dispatched from the Southern Docks pursues them but is kept at bay by Ehecatl Skljef's previously summoned celestial. The celestial flies by, shattering the starboard bank of oars. The trireme is seen coming to a stop to deal with the celestial as the assault team round the peninsula and row out of sight.
Stavris decides to hide in sight of the western gate and the three hobgoblin guards posted there, hoping to wait here for Gunter in the hope that he too decided to travel via the town. As he crosses the town, Gunter spots Stavris in his hiding place. He approaches Stavris stealthily from behind, startling him and causing him to cry out in surprise. With the hobgoblin guards searching for the source of the noise, Gunter casts a device creating a decoy noise out in to an adjacent street, luring the guards away from the gate, deeper in to the town. During a brief argument Stavris raises his voice, one of the guards hears this and returns to seek the source of this new noise. Gunter deploys a second decoy device, and the two dash for the western gate. As they move across the street Stavris casts a gust to fan the flames in the street, dazzling the guard and allowing them to slip through the gate unnoticed.
The assault team approach the Dead Man's Raft silently, coming alongside her port bow. They attempt to board silently, Kahlil once more attempting to drag the guard overboard with an eldritch blast. The guard cries out however, alerting the others to the team's presence. Found out, the assault team climb on board, some having difficulty scaling the side of the ship. One of the guards calls out frantically for "Dorris" a number of times. Dorris the minotaur bursts out of the captain's cabin to confront the boarders. Dagur calls out Dorris for single combat, with Ehecatl Skljef, Khalil and the lizardfolk taking on the other guards on the upper deck. Crassus Hlaalu vaults on to the lower deck, taking the form of a giant crab, shortly followed by Cpt Percival Wainwright, holding other guards at bay there. Khalil attempted to climb the rigging to gain an advantageous position in the fighting top, but was shot down by some unseen archers in an adjacent tower on the dockside.
Meanwhile Gunter and Stavris approach the Western Docks, hiding behind a building and waiting for an opportune time to move forwards and reunite with the assault team. Gunter takes up position overlooking the main gangway to the Dead Man's Raft, waiting for the advancing guards to attempt to cross, but Stavris prematurely reveals their position by sending a firebolt forth to blast open a barrel by the guards' position. Unfortunately the barrel only contained apples, rather than having flammable contents as Stavris might have hoped. With their position revealed, three of the guards head back towards Gunter and Stavris.
As the fight aboard the Dead Man's Raft rages on, the red dragon swoops overhead, heading south, paying no heed yet to the melee below. Ehecatl Skljef healed Khalil, bringing him back to his feet. Khalil re-joined the fight hiding in the doorway of the captain's cabin while casting spells at the remaining guards. Dorris is forced overboard on to the dockside, Dagur leaping through the air to bring his blade crashing down upon the minotaur. Continuing their single combat, the minotaur gores Dagur bringing him down and kicking his body off the dock and in to the sea below. Concurrently, the guards dispatch Kenrick who climbed aboard to help, and also manage to bring down Cpt Percival Wainwright. Ehecatl Skljef once more steps forwards to save members of the group, casting channel divinity to restore Dagur and Cpt Percival Wainwright. Dagur climbs back on to the dockside to avenge himself, preparing for the minotaur's charge, he cleaves of Dorris' remaining horn. The rain begins to worsen.
As Gunter and Stavris deal with the guards looming down upon them, and the others aboard the Dead Man's Raft fight on, the red dragon returns, crashing down upon a building at the dockside. Bravely Gunter tries to persuade the dragon to lend its aid, but abiding by the letter of his words rather than the spirit, the red dragon moves towards the ship. Hearing the dragon's arrival, Crassus Hlaalu (still as a crab) throws himself and the ork he is grappling with overboard and in to the sea. Moments later, the red dragon breathes fire, incinerating all who remained on the open deck of the Dead Man's Raft. Dagur, Cpt Percival Wainwright, Ehecatl Skljef, the remaining lizardfolk as well as all of the remaining guards were caught in the inferno. The blackscale Ru'tock was thrown clear, and Ehecatl Skljef was barely left standing due to the deathward that had previously been cast on him. Seeing this, Stavris attempted to run and hide amongst the dockside buildings, but was spotted by the dragon who swatted him down with its tail.
Wasting no time, the red dragon takes to the skies once more, heading south and out over the Southern Docks. Taking no chances Khalil dives overboard and swims for the lighthouse, not risking the potential for the dragon to return. With what energy he has remaining Ehecatl Skljef heals Dagur and casts revivify on Cpt Percival Wainwright, bringing him back from the dead for the second time. As Ehecatl Skljef casts revivify, he hears his goddess, Imogen, closer than he ever has before, she begins to speak to him, but the connection is abruptly lost. Having drowned his orkish quarry, Crassus Hlaalu returns to the surface. Stavris awakes from unconsciousness where he was thrown by the dragon.
Gunter and Stavris from their position are the first to see a large crowd of people approaching from the town. As they draw closer, they can be identified as the Helvettians that they had previously parted with, the captives that they were expecting to evacuate, and a small, thin man in black robes, Mehklan. The rings in the sky above Myste-Hass disappear briefly, but then return. Crassus Hlaalu marshals the Helvettian soldiers to prepare the Dead Man's Raft to sail and inspect the ship for any other damage and materials with which to make repairs. While the sailcloth and rigging on the mainmast are damaged from the dragon's breath, the fore and aft masts are still in full working condition, so the decision is made to put to sea with the newly arrived captives. Seeing the movement aboard the Dead Man's Raft, Khalil swims back to re-join the crew. A decision is yet to be made however on whether to remain close to the Western Docks for longer in case more arrive, particularly as B-Team is nowhere in sight, or whether to set sail and leave.

The Myste-Hass Calender


Youtube Recording

Having boarded the Dead Man's Raft with the liberated captives that Mehklan lead out of the city, Crassus Hlaalu, Dagur, Ehecatl Skljef, Gunter, Cpt Percival Wainwright and Stavris discuss a course of action, Kahlil remaining within the sanctuary of his ring. Wanting to contribute to the ongoing efforts in the town, Dagur and Gunter leave the ship and head across the Western Docks back in to Myste-Hass. The Helvetian contingent under Antonius also wish to head off in to the city, to fight on land where they are most at ease, but Crassus Hlaalu and Cpt Percival Wainwright manage to convince them that their efforts are better spent securing the rescued captives and aiding with their evacuation by sea. Mehklan broaches the issue of whether it would be best to "neutralise" the escapees before they have the chance to fall back in to enemy hands, but Ehecatl Skljef is strongly in opposition to the suggestion. With wider discussion amongst the crew, the issue is shelved for reassessment at a later point should it potentially become necessary. Mehklan and Ehecatl Skljef head below decks to settle and care for the escapees while Crassus Hlaalu with the aid of Cpt Percival Wainwright begin to organise the Helvetians and see to the immediate repairs of the ship.
As they make ready the ship, Stavris spots a patroll of hob-goblin guards approaching across the Southern Docks and alerts the other crew members. Cpt Percival Wainwright encourages the only remaining of the lizardfolk, the blackscale Ru'tock, to jump off the ship and engage the patroll. Crassus Hlaalu takes control of the ship and directs a couple of the Helvetians to cut the ropes to harbour, freeing the Dead Man's Raft of its berth. Under Cpt Percival Wainwright's guidance, a couple of Helvetians raise the sail, allowing the ship to bear away from harbour towards the open sea. As the Dead Man's Raft pulls away, a goliath that was part of the patroll jumps for the ship, but with a swift casting of Gust from Stavris he falls in to the sea. Once more on Cpt Percival Wainwright's encouragement, Ru'tock leaps back to the ship, falling short and swimming to the side where he is pulled aboard by Ehecatl Skljef and Cpt Percival Wainwright under a hail of arrows from the patroll, with the Helvetians returning fire.
Having escaped the Western Docks, the course is discussed amongst the crew. Following a swift prayer to Alaie for safe passage, Crassus Hlaalu turns the Dead Man's Raft to the south, steering wide of Myste-Hass and heading back to the river estuary south of the Tower of Dariss as previously planned. Kahlil now emerges from his ring, refreshed from his short rest, he heads up on to the deck. With Crassus Hlaalu remaining at the wheel and Ru'tock and the Helvetian Decius in the crow's nest on watch, the rest of the crew head below deck to seek a moment of rest. Cpt Percival Wainwright and Stavris head to rest in the captain's cabin, before settling down, a brief search of the cabin yields a broader map of the continent showing a number of named and unnamed cities far north of Bruidor. On discovering the map, Cpt Percival Wainwright rolls it up and secrets it away amongst his possessions.
Sailing southwards, after rounding the lighthouse peninsula of Myste-Hass, a large number of damaged ships can be seen transiting southwards away from the Southern Docks. It is decided to blend in by crossing their course at a shallow angle, and then cutting east to the planned location once a safe distance away. Several easy hours of sailing pass when Decius calls down from the tops that he can see a strange amount of white water off the starboard side. Crassus Hlaalu asks Kahlil to check it out as he holds course. As Kahlil leans over the rail to look down in to the sea, crablike claws reach out and slash at him from the water.
Six Aldani crawl over the side, five engaging those up on deck while one heads below decks. Crassus Hlaalu and Kahlil engage the Aldani, shouting for help, but the rest of the crew are slow to rouse from their slumber. Crassus Hlaalu goes down, the Aldani screaming about a sacrifice to "Veeru" to appease their suffering. Only Kahlil is left standing, managing to blast one of his opponents back overboard. Not a moment too soon Cpt Percival Wainwright and Stavris arrive to the fray, coming to their aid. Cpt Percival Wainwright brings Crassus Hlaalu back round, they then work in tandem to dispatch the two Aldani assailing them.
Below decks, Ehecatl Skljef rouses as the lone Aldani descends to the lower deck. With the aid of Mehklan and the Helvetians, he dispatches his foe. Ehecatl Skljef sprints up to reach the top deck, emerging to the chaos above with Mehklan and the Helvetians close behind him. Ru'tock fends off an Aldani for a time, but is downed in the fray. As Ehecatl Skljef arives on deck he is able to revive Ru'tock. As the full crew now converge on the upper deck they swiftly dispatch the remaining Aldani, however following the rest of Operation Pincer they are now utterly spent.
In the aftermath of the battle Mehklan offers to heal the wounded. They all group up around the ship's wheel, excluding Ehecatl Skljef, but rather than the healing they expected Cpt Pervival Wainwright and Stavris fall asleep where they stand. Khalil questions this, Mehklan explains that the sleep will allow his comrades to heal better. However, as Khalil walks towards the bow of the ship to discuss with Ehecatl Skljef, he receives magic missiles to the back, bringing him down.
Mehklan summons Ehecatl Skljef to him as he releases the magic upholding his disguise, revealing himself to in fact be Ravaran. Leaning over the ship's rail to signal to an approaching ship, the Banshee, Ravaran continues to monologue to Ehecatl Skljef. As his greatest current threat Ravaran banishes Ehecatl Skljef to another plane. Unnoticed, Crassus Hlaalu transforms in to a crab and shoves Ravaran over the rail and in to the sea, quickly scuttling back over to the wheel to take control of the ship. Ravaran misty-steps over to the bow of the Banshee. Ehecatl Skljef re-emerges from banishment and those affected by the sleep spell are woken and all prepare for action. As the Dead Man's Raft turns away, the Banshee moves to pursue. Khalil and Stavris hurl spells at the sails of the Banshee in an attempt to slow her down. In retaliation, the Banshee bears away, delivering a raking broadside of ballistae bolts to the Dead Man's Raft. Seeing Ravaran poised to cast at the bow of the Banshee, Khalil pulls him overboard with an eldritch blast, breaking his concentration and allowing the Dead Man's Raft to make good her escape.
Beaching the Dead Man's Raft and dropping her anchors on the shore of the estuary south of the [[Tower of Dariss], the crew aid their passengers off the ship and head for the Tower. A ship can be seen loitering some way out off the coast keeping an eye on their movements as they head inland. As they head further inland, the Tower of Dariss begins to come in to view, the top three storeys can clearly be seen to be in ruin. As they get closer, more damage can be seen to the broader area around the Tower, undoubtedly the work of the Dragon. It is clear that the safe haven they thought they were returning to no longer exists.