Fallen Palace

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Revision as of 12:46, 4 April 2022 by (talk)

The Fallen Palace is located far, far to the north of Myste-Hass. The exact location is unknown to the adventurers, but it is suspected to be at the very tip of the continent.
This location was discovered because Morthel and his followers were using mirrors to move between Bruidor, Myste-Hass and the Fallen Palace. Gartok and Harbinger were attempting to lie one of these mirrors down and an agent of Morthel spoke the key word "Sarator", activating the mirror and transporting the pair to a high tower within the Fallen Palace. Without the key word to return, the pair leapt from the window to escape guards. Eventually, the other party members used the word themselves to follow.
Adventurers returned to the Fallen Palace at a later date, in an attempt to rescue the prisoners who were being drained for their power. The attempt led to a confrontation with The Deacon. It was not successful and everyone was forced to escape through the mirror in the throne room.