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God of Destiny

Fate is believed to have power over the destiny of all people. His worshipers believe him to control the fate of all things, acting as an overlord of the prime deities and delegating the actions the others should follow in order to maintain the established destiny.
Fate is a new god. His existence is first noted in the year of 2996, when the first temple dedicated to his name is established in Kahzara. As such, their is much controversy over his worship. Loyalists to prime deities tend to see his existence as fundamentally wrong, and the supposed power he exerts over the dominion of other gods as heresy. This is particularly true for Sardonyx followers. However, Fate;s influence continually grows further, stretching into new lands.


Fate has a unique relationship with his followers, that the prime deities do not seem to share with their worshipers. Supposedly, many clerics, paladins, harbingers and bishops of Fate can communicate directly with their god. This link between deity and subject leads to fastidious loyalty and trust in the will of their god.
Being a new god, Fate's worshipers are not as many, but he is more frequently coming to be prayed to for general well being, alongside the other gods.
The Church of Fate has established a fairly rigid hierarchy. Each area or district is ruled by a Bishop, who then is served by a Harbinger of Fate. Harbinger's are typically paladins who quest in the name of their god, as the name suggests, spreading the word of his glory. Beneath these higher positions, there are clerics, and occasional other magic users, such as druids, divination wizards and warlocks who devote themselves to this deity.
Those dedicated to the Church of Fate are usually garbed in either yellow or purple, typically tabards or cloaks of these colours. Though, it seems that only one of the these two distinctive colours is chosen by each church, and the two are not often used interchangeably.
Kahzara has the greatest number of Fate worshipers, and also acts as head of the church.
There are a number of extremist sects that follow Fate. These include the Cult of Prophecy which has a number of operations in the new lands and town of Myste-Hass. The Cult of Prophecy and similar groups believe that Fate should replace the other "lesser deities", and strive towards this goal, typically by acts of terrorism and sabotage in temples dedicated to other gods.

Pages in category ‘Fate’

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.