King Myloch

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King Myloch Finriss-Ethica Myste

  • Nationality: Nadarr
  • Position: Ruler of Nadarr

King Myloch Finriss-Ethica Myste is the king of the Elves and of the ruling house of Myste.
He is the 1st king in eons to interface with the world outside Nadarr realising the outside world could effect the future of the elves. He is a strong believer in tradition and the facts gained from the histories only serve to make his direction for the good of the Elves.
The king has formed strong bonds with various countries in the past, such as Chevel and Pillai.
History has shown this king that the humans, and some of the other races, of this world have placed, and continue to place, the future of the Elves and their spirits in jeopardy; thus, to win his ear and backing a show of true worth is required.